Bingyu Zhuo

Bingyu Zhuo

School of Chemical Engineering
PhD Student

Contact details

School of Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston Birmingham
B15 2TT

Bingyu Zhuo is currently doing his Ph.D in Chemical Engineering under Prof Zhibing Zhang. The research topic is Physical stability of high active powder surfactant systems. The assignment is under Project Chariot to improve the functionally of powdered product.

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  • MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge, 2014
  • BEng (Hons) in Chemical Engineering, University of Manchester, 2013


In 2013, Bingyu Zhuo has graduated from University of Manchester with a First Class degree in BEng Chemical Engineering with Honours. Subsequently, he moved on to University of Cambridge and has obtained MPhil in Advanced Chemical Engineering.

While studying in University of Manchester, the design project which he was involved in was nominated for University Macnab-Lacey Student Design Prize. In addition, his group also won the PWC Student Team Working Award in 2013. He was briefly conscripted into the army for 2 years where he was awarded the Solider of the Month in year 2009.