Bassett DC, Håti AG, Melø TB, Stokke BT, Sikorski P. Competitive ligand exchange of crosslinking ions for ionotropic hydrogel formation. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2016; 4: 6175-6182.
Håti AG, Bassett DC, Ribe JM, Sikorski P, Weitz DA, Stokke BT. Versatile, cell and chip friendly method to gel alginate in microfluidic devices. Lab on a Chip. 2016; 16: 3718-3727.
Bjørnøy SH, Bassett DC, Ucar S, Strand BL, Andreassen JP, Sikorski P. A correlative spatiotemporal microscale study of calcium phosphate formation and transformation within an alginate hydrogel matrix. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016; 44: 254-266.
Bjørnøy SH, Mandaric S, Bassett DC, Åslund AK, Ucar S, Andreassen JP, Strand BL, Sikorski P. Gelling kinetics and in situ mineralization of alginate hydrogels: A correlative spatiotemporal characterization toolbox. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016; 44: 243-253.
Abdallah M, Eimar H, Bassett DC, Schnabel M, Nelea V, McKee MD, Cerruti M, Tamimi F. Diagenesis-inspired Reaction of Magnesium Ions with Surface Enamel Mineral Modifies Properties of Human Teeth. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016; 37: 174-183.
Bjørnøy SH, Bassett DC, Ucar S, Andreassen JP, Sikorski P. Controlled mineralisation and recrystallisation of brushite within alginate hydrogels. Biomedical Materials. 2016; 11 (1): 015013.
Ucar S, Bjørnøy SH, Bassett DC, Strand BL, Sikorski P, Andreassen JP. Nucelation and growth of brushite in the presence of alginate. Crystal Growth and Design. 2015; 15 (11): 5397–5405.
Danoux CBSS, Bassett DC, Othman Z, Rodrigues AI, Reis RL, Barralet JE, van Blitterswijk CA, Habibovic P. Elucidating the individual effects of calcium and phosphate ions on hMSCs by using composite materials. Acta Biomaterialia. 2015; 17: 1-15.
Bassett DC, Madzovska I, Beckwith KS, Melø TB, Obradovic B, Sikorski P. Dissolution of copper mineral phases in biological fluids and the controlled release of copper ions from mineralized alginate hydrogels. Biomedical Materials. 2015; 10(1): 015006
Bassett DC, Meszaros R, Orzol D, Woy M, Zhang YL, Tiedemann K, Wondraczek L, Komarova S, Barralet JE. A new class of bioactive glasses: calcium-magnesium sulfophosphates. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 2014; 102 (8): 2842-2848.
Merle G, Bassett DC, Finch JA, Demopoulos, G, Barralet JE. Self-assembled photoactive heterojunction phase gradient. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2014; 2 (23): 8868-8874.
Tamimi F, Torres J, Al-Abedalla K, Lopez-Cabarcos E, Alkhraisat MH, Bassett DC, Gbureck U, Barralet JE. Osseointegration of dental implants in 3D-printed synthetic onlay grafts customized according to bone metabolic activity in recipient site. Biomaterials. 2014; 35 (21): 5436-5445.
Bassett DC, Merle G, Lennox B, Rabiei R, Barthelat F, Grover LM, Barralet JE. Ultrasonic phosphate bonding of nanoparticles. Advanced Materials. 2013; 25 (41): 5953-5958.
Tamimi F, Comeau P, Le Nihouannen D, Zhang YL, Bassett DC, Khalili S, Gbureck U, Tran S, Komarova S, Barralet JE. Perfluorodecalin and bone regeneration. European Cells & Materials. 2013; 25: 22–36.
Bassett DC, Marelli B, Nazhat SN, Barralet JE. Stabilisation of amorphous calcium carbonate with nanofibrillar biopolymers. Advanced Functional Materials. 2012; 22 (16): 3460–3469.
Bassett DC, Grover LM, McKee MD, Muller F, Barralet JE, Serum protein controlled nanoparticle synthesis. Advanced Functional Materials. 2011; 21 (15): 2968–2977.
Bassett DC, McKee MD and Barralet JE, The role of the air-liquid interface in protein mediated biomineralization of calcium carbonate. Crystal Growth and Design. 2011; 11 (3): 803-810.
Tamimi F, Le Nihouannen D, Bassett DC, Ibasco S, Gbureck U, Knowles J, Wright A and Barralet JE. Biocompatibility of magnesium phosphate minerals and their stability under physiological conditions. Acta Biomaterialia. 2011; 7 (6): 2678-2685.
Tamimi F, Torres J, Bassett D, Barralet J, Cabarcos EL, Resorption of monetite granules in alveolar bone defects in human patients. Biomaterials. 2010; 31 (10): 2762-2769.
Habibovic P, Bassett DC, Doillon CJ, Gerard C, McKee MD, Barralet JE. Collagen Biomineralization In Vivo by Sustained Release of Inorganic Phosphate Ions. Advanced Materials. 2010; 22 (16): 1858 – 1862.
Tamimi F, Torres J, Gbureck U, Lopez-Cabarcos E, Bassett DC, Alkhraisat MH, Barralet JE. Craniofacial vertical bone augmentation: a comparison between 3D printed monolithic monetite blocks and autologous onlay grafts in the rabbit. Biomaterials. 2009; 30 (31):6318-26
Tamimi F, Torres J, Lopez-Cabarcos E, Bassett DC, Habibovic P, Luceron E, Barralet JE. Minimally invasive maxillofacial vertical bone augmentation using brushite based cements. Biomaterials. 2009, 30 (2): 208-216.
Pedraza CE, Bassett DC, McKee MD, Nelea V, Gbureck U, Barralet JE. The importance of particle size and DNA condensation salt for calcium phosphate nanoparticle transfection. Biomaterials. 2008; 29 (23): 3384-3392.
Habibovic P, Gbureck U, Doillon CJ, Bassett DC, van Blitterswijk CA and Barralet JE. Osteoconduction and osteoinduction of low-temperature 3D printed bioceramic implants. Biomaterials. 2008; 29 (7): 944-953.
Barralet JE, Duncan CO, Dover MS, Bassett DC, Nishikawa H, Monaghan A, Gbureck U Cortical bone screw fixation in ionically modified apatite cements. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials. 2005; 73B (2): 238-243.