Dr Anna N Seale

Dr Anna N Seale

Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Consultant Fetal and Paediatric Cardiologist

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Dr Anna Seale is a Consultant Paediatric and Fetal Cardiologist at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Her fetal work is based in Birmingham Women’s Hospital.

Dr Seale graduated from Cambridge University in 1994 and pursued a career in Paediatrics. She was attracted to Paediatric Cardiology and trained in this specialty at Great Ormond Street and Royal Brompton Hospitals, London.

Following a research period studying pulmonary vein stenosis, for which she was awarded a Doctor of Medicine (Cambridge), Dr Seale was appointed as Senior Cardiac Imaging Fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital, USA. Here she consolidated her experience in echocardiography, fetal and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.

She returned to the UK in 2008 and started working as a paediatric and fetal cardiology consultant at the Royal Brompton Hospital and Queen Charlotte’s Hospitals, where she was the lead in paediatric cardiac imaging. Dr Seale moved to Birmingham Children’s Hospital in 2013.

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  • MBBChir (Cantab), University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, 1994.
  • MA (Cantab), 1995
  • USMLE, 1996
  • CCST Paediatric Cardiology, 2006
  • MD, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, 2013


  • Lecturer BSc Hypoxia in Health and Disease
  • Supervise medical students in BSc Clinical Anatomy


  • Right aortic arch
  • Functionally univentricular hearts
  • Fetal cardiology
  • Paediatric cardiology
  • Cardiac morphology
  • Echocardiography
  • Pulmonary vein stenosis


The diagnostic yield of prenatal genetic technologies in Congenital Heart Disease – a prospective cohort study. F Mone, B Scott, S Hamilton, AN Seale, E Quinlan-Jones, S Allen, M Hurles, D McMullan, E Maher, MD Kilby. Fetal diagnosis and therapy 2021; 5:1-8

Long-term outcomes in children with absent pulmonary valve syndrome: it’s not just fixing the heart. Katalin Torok, Elizabeth Brettie, Tarak Desai, Paul Miller, Natasha Khan, John Stickley, Prasad Nagakumar, Anna N Seale. Arch Dis Child 2021; 106:877-881

Morphology of vascular ring arch anomalies influences prognosis and management. Elena Ctori Adrian Crucean Benjamin Pinkey , Simon P McGuirk , Robert H Anderson, John Stickley, Timothy J Jones, Anna N Seale. Arch Dis Child 2020 Epub ahead of publication

Congenitally Malformed Hearts: Aspects of Teaching and Research Involving Medical Students. Catherine C. Pickin, James Castle, Vibha Shaji, Adeolu Banjoko, Aimee-Louise Chambault, Anna N. Seale, Anthony Lander, Chetan Mehta, Adrian Crucean. J Cardiovasc. Dev.dis.2021;8:34

Cohort study of intervened functionally univentricular heart in England and Wales (2000-2018). Elen Hadjicosta, Rodney Franklin, Anna Seale et al. Heart 2021, EPub ahead of print.

British Congenital Cardiac Association Fetal Cardiology Standards, September 2021. Victoria Jowett, Margarita Bartsota, Shuba Barwick, Patricia Caldas, Lindsey Hunter, Caroline Jones, Katie Linter, Anna Seale, John Simpson, Trisha Vigneswaran

Management of prenatally detected vascular rings: a United Kingdom national survey. Trisha V Vigneswaran, Lindsey E Hunter, Julene S Carvalho, Anna N Seale. Cardiol Young 2022 EPub ahead of print

Pulmonary artery banding – Still a role for staged biventricular repair of intracardiac shunts? A Afifi, A Seale, M Chaudhari, N Khan, TJ Jones, O. Stumper, P Botha. Cardiol Young 2022 EPub ahead of print

Long-term survival and centre-volume, for functionally single ventricle congenital heart disease in England and Wales. Journal Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. EPub ahead of print

Outcomes of patients with exomphalos and associated congenital heart diseases. H Elhedai, GS Arul, S Yong, P Nagakumar, HK Kanthimathinathan, I Jester, M Chaudhari, TJ Jones, O Stumper, AN Seale. Pediatr Surg Int 2022;39:12