Dr Phillip (Pip) LR Nicolson MA MB BChir (Cantab) PhD MRCP FRCPath

Dr Pip Nicolson

Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
Associate Clinical Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine (Haematology)

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Pip is clinical academic with a clinical interest in haemostasis, thrombosis and immunohaematology. He has a laboratory research interest in the role of platelets in venous thrombosis and thromboinflammation. He is passionate about efficient clinical research in these areas.

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  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists, 2020
  • PhD, University of Birmingham, 2019
  • Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) 2011
  • MA (Natural Sciences), University of Cambridge, 2009
  • MB BChir, University of Cambridge, 2008
  • BA (Natural Sciences), University of Cambridge, 2005


He works in the Birmingham Platelet Group and in the department of Haematology at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. He is president of the UK-wide, registrar-led research network HaemSTAR and was awarded the BSH-NIHR Researcher of the year award in 2019 and the Royal College of Pathologists Furness Prize for science communication for his work with this group. He is a drummer and keen cyclist, regularly participating in domestic and international sportives and century rides.


  • Dental Sciences (Non-malignant haematology)
  • Medical Sciences (Cardiovascular Physiology)

Postgraduate supervision

  • Supervisor to PhD students
  • Supervisor to MRes students
  • Supervisor to Intercalating medical students
  • Personal Academic Tutor to Medical Students


  • Investigating the role of platelet ITAM receptors in human venous thrombosis and thromboinflammation.
  • Changing the non-malignant haematology research landscape using mass participation clinical studies mediated via HaemSTAR & HaemTRIAL

Fellowship and Grant Awards 

  • 2023 BHF Project Grant (Co-I)
  • 2023 Acticor Biotech Research Grant (Co-I)
  • 2022 Wellcome Trust Translational Discovery Fund Award (Co-I)
  • 2021 NIHR Project Grant (Co-I)
  • 2021 Sanofi Research Grant (PI)
  • 2021 BHF Accelerator Award (PI)
  • 2020 Dynamic Investment Fund Award (PI)
  • 2020 BHF Accelerator Award (PI)
  • 2019 Principia Biopharma Research Grant (PI)
  • 2019 MRC Proximity to Discovery Grant (PI)
  • 2019 BSHT Summer Studentship
  • 2018 - Novartis Pharmaceuticals Research Grant (PI)
  • 2018 - Rigel Pharmaceuticals Research grant (Sub I)
  • 2018 - SACC Katie Bolam Research Award (PI)
  • 2017 - BHF Clinical Research Training Fellowship
  • 2015 - ITM Starter Fellowship

Grant Awards (HaemSTAR)

  • 2022 AstraZeneca Research Grant
  • 2022 Dudley Leukaemia Unit Appeal Fund Grant
  • 2019 Sanofi Unrestricted Grant
  • 2019 Octapharma Unrestricted Grant

Research Groups 

Other activities

  • Founder of HaemTRIAL: Haematology Trials, Research, Innovation & Learning.
  • Founder and President of HaemSTAR: Haematology Specialist Training, Audit & Research.
  • Member of the British Society of Haematology Research & Grants Committee.


Recent publications


Hassan, E, Sutton, D, Buka, R, Lowe, G, Nandra, T, Jacob, N, Rose, L, Alhamdi, Y, HaemSTAR Collaborators & Nicolson, P 2025, 'Disparities in menstrual bleeding management during acute venous thromboembolism treatment: A review of UK practice and a call for clinical studies', Thrombosis Research, vol. 247, 109258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.thromres.2025.109258.

Nicolson, P, Abrams, S, Amirthalingam, G, Brown, K, Buka, R, Caulfield, MJ, Gardner, J, Goldblatt, D, Lovatt, C, Montague, S, Naisbitt, D, Parker, AL, Pavord, S, Ramsay, ME, Sterne, JAC, Sudlow, C, Toh, C-H, Watson, S, Wang, G, Wood, AM, Whiteley, W, Pirmohamed, M & TTS Consortium 2025, 'Understanding Mechanisms of Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia with Adenoviral SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines: A Comprehensive Synopsis', Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation.

Nicolson, PLR, Belete, M, Hawes, R, Fowler, N & Toh, C-H 2024, 'Alternative routes into clinical research: a guide for early career doctors', BMJ, vol. 385, e076414. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2023-076414

Gardner, J, Abrams, ST, Toh, C-H, Parker, AL, Lovatt, C, Nicolson, PLR, Watson, SP, Grice, S, Hering, L, Pirmohamed, M & Naisbitt, DJ 2024, 'Identification of cross reactive T cell responses in adenovirus based COVID 19 vaccines', NPJ vaccines, vol. 9, no. 1, 99. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41541-024-00895-z

Cooper, N, Scully, M, Percy, C, Nicolson, P, Lowe, G, Bagot, C, Thachil, J, Grech, H, Noakes, T, Hill, Q, Bradbury, C, Talks, K, Dutt, T, Evans, G, Pavord, S, Wexler, SK, Charania, A, Collington, SJ, Ervin, A, Ramscar, N & Provan, D 2024, 'Real-world use of thrombopoietin receptor agonists for the management of immune thrombocytopenia in adult patients in the United Kingdom: Results from the TRAIT study', British Journal of Haematology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjh.19345

Smith, C, Campos, J, Brown, H, Ivanova, V-S, Harbi, M, Garcia Quintanilla, L, Jossi, S, Perez-Toledo, M, Rookes, K, Brill, A, Theodore, L, Owens, T, LaStant, J, Foulke, MC, Mukai, S, Francesco, M, Storek, M, Hicks, A, Langrish, C, Nunn, PA, Cunningham, A, Chauhan, A, Thomas, MR, Watson, S & Nicolson, P 2024, 'Selective Btk inhibition by PRN1008/PRN473 blocks human CLEC-2 & PRN473 reduces venous thrombosis formation in mice', Blood Advances. https://doi.org/10.1182/bloodadvances.2024012713

Sherratt-Mayhew, S & Nicolson, P 2024, 'Use of IV Immunoglobulin to Treat Steroid Resistant, Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor induced Pure Red Cell Aplasia: A Case Report', EJHaem. https://doi.org/10.1002/jha2.937

Alenazy, F, Harbi, M, Kavanagh, D, Price, J, Brady, P, Hargreaves, O, Harrison, P, Slater, A, Tiwari, A, Nicolson, P, Connolly, D, Kirchhof, P, Kalia, N, Jandrot-Perrus, M, Mangin, PH, Watson, S & Thomas, MR 2023, 'Amplified inhibition of atherosclerotic plaque-induced platelet activation by glenzocimab with dual antiplatelet therapy JTH', Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 3236-3251. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtha.2023.07.018

Abrams, S, Du, M, Shaw, RJ, Johnson, C, McGiuiness, D, Schofield, J, Yong, J, Turtle, L, Nicolson, P, Moxon, C, Wang, G & Toh, C-H 2023, 'Damage-associated cellular markers in the clinical and pathogenic profile of Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtha.2023.12.008

Whyte, CS, Morrow, GB, Gauer, JS, Montague, S & Nicolson, P 2023, 'Novel therapeutics and emerging technology in haemostasis and thrombosis: highlights from the British society for haemostasis and thrombosis annual meeting', Front Cardiovasc Med, vol. 10, 1225243. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2023.1225243

Buka, R, Montague, S, Moran, LA, Martin, E, Slater, A, Watson, S & Nicolson, P 2023, 'PF4 activates the c-Mpl-Jak2 pathway in platelets', Blood. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.2023020872

Kemble, S, Dalby, A, Lowe, G, Nicolson, P, Watson, S, Senis, Y, Thomas, S & Harrison, P 2022, 'Analysis of preplatelets and their barbell platelet derivatives by imaging flow cytometry', Blood Advances, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 2932–2946. https://doi.org/10.1182/bloodadvances.2021006073

Montague, S, Smith, C, Lodwick, CS, Stoneley, C, Roberts, M, Lowe, G, Lester, W, Watson, S & Nicolson, P 2022, 'Anti-platelet factor 4 immunoglobulin G levels in vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis: persistent positivity through 7 months', Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, vol. 6, no. 3, e12707. https://doi.org/10.1002/rth2.12707


Buka, R, Nicolson, P & Sutton, D 2024, 'Enoxaparin is not an oral factor Xa inhibitor. Response to Sutton et al. real-world clinical outcomes among US veterans with oral factor Xa inhibitor–related major bleeding treated with andexanet alfa or 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate', Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, vol. 57, pp. 739-741. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11239-024-02948-5


Glancy, P, Sutton, D, Gomez, K, Nicolson, P & Buka, R 2023, 'How will UK hospitals use andexanet alfa? A review of local protocols', EJHaem, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 298–300. https://doi.org/10.1002/jha2.648

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