Recent publications
Liu, G, Meng-Lewis, Y, Wang, W & Zhao, Y 2024, 'Unveiling factors and contingencies influencing exhaustion in professional esports players: evidence from China', Internet Research.
Wang, W, He, H, Sahadev, S & Song, W 2018, 'UK Consumers’ Perceived Risk of Buying Products from Emerging Economies: A Moderated Mediation Model', Journal of Consumer Behaviour, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 326-339.
He, H, Harris, L, Wang, W & Haider, K 2016, 'Brand identity and online self-customisation usefulness perception', Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 32, no. 13-14, pp. 1308-1332.
Balmer, J & Wang, W 2016, 'The corporate brand and strategic direction: Senior business school managers’ cognition of corporate brand building and management', Journal of Brand Management, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 8-21.
Balmer, J & Wang, W 2016, 'Why business school managers are a key corporate brand stakeholder group', International Studies of Management and Organization, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 247-255.
Zhu, W, He, H, Treviño, L, Chao, M & Wang, W 2015, 'Ethical leadership and follower voice and performance: The role of follower identifications and entity morality beliefs', The Leadership Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 702-718.
He, H, Wang, W, Zhu, W & Harris, L 2015, 'Service workers’ job performance: The roles of personality traits, organizational identification, and customer orientation', European Journal of Marketing, vol. 49, no. 11/12, pp. 1751-1776.
Conference contribution
He, H, Zhu, W, Wang, W & Wang, G 2017, Why and how does psychological empowerment matter to service workers? A moderated mediation test. in European Marketing Academy (EMAC). EMAC 2017, Groningen, Netherlands, 23/05/17.
Wang, W, He, H, Sahadev, S & Song, W 2018, 'Self-determination and service performance: the roles of service adaptiveness and openness to experience', Paper presented at SERVSIG 2018, Paris, France, 14/06/18 - 16/06/18.
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