Dr Vaishali Saple

Dr Vaishali Saple

Department of Management

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr. Vaishali Saple, joined Birmingham Business School in 2011 and is involved in teaching on the school’s undergraduate and master’s program.  She teaches subjects within the HRM domain and undertakes MSc level dissertations supervision.

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PhD Thesis: “Study of Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance of Selected Industries in Almaty”

MBA (First Class)
Master Thesis: “Study of Industrial Relations in Krupp Group of Industries India limited”.

B.Sc. (First class with Honors)


Vaishali  has an undergraduate background in the natural sciences, MBA in HRM, PhD in HRM and an overall teaching experience of over 20 years.

In the past, besides teaching Vaishali has had a significant role in administration (Vice Dean, Head of Department, Suleyman Demirel University Kazakhstan).


Examples of the areas Vaishali has experience in teaching include: Human Resource management, Organizational behaviour, International Human Resource Management. 

Postgraduate supervision

Besides teaching Vaishali is involved in supervising MSc level dissertations. She is interested in examining and understanding features of Strategic HRM and International HRM


Fields of interest

Strategic HRM (link between HR practices and firm performance), Absenteeism and Turnover, Change and HR response [Impact of current crises on HRM], Cultural Differences in International HRM and Comparative Employment Systems.


Journal Papers and Conference Presentations

Vaishali Saple (2008) Knowledge-Based Economy: Case of Kazakhstan. Current Economic Issues and Perspectives of The Central Asia Region. Istanbul 2008, ISBN: 978-9944-0512-1-7, Alve publications Turkey, pgs. 224-228.

Vaishali Saple (2008) How HRM Practices Relate To Firm Performance- A Model Proposed, Conference Proceedings: Competitive Ability of Kazakhstan’s Economy: Accelerated Modernization and Development Of Corporate Structures, ISBN: 978-605-4233-03-8, Istanbul 2009, pgs. 114-118.

Vaishali Saple (2007) "Impact of HRM Practices on Firm Performance-An Empirical Analysis”: UGC Sponsored National Seminar-‘High Performing Organizations: Issues and Challenges’ SIBER, Kolhapur,India. March 5th 6th 2007.

Vaishali Saple (2006) Enhanced Learning Through Technological Applications. International Conference –‘Business Education Quality Assurance System in the RK: Innovative Approaches’. International Academy of Business, Almaty 2006, pgs. 224-227.

Vaishali Saple (2005) Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Operational Performance –Case Of Almaty, Kazakhstan. International Conference -‘Competitiveness of National Economy in Context of Sustainable Economic Development’ SDU, Almaty, 2005, pgs. 105-112.

Vaishali Saple (2003) Fundamentals of Reforms in Globalization: Ambient Factors of New Labor Laws in Kazakhstan. Conference: Kazakhstan Economy Towards Globalization and World Economy, Abay State University, Almaty, 2003, pgs. 196-198.

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