Dr Biwesh Neupane

Dr Biwesh Neupane

The Department of Finance
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Finance

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University House
B15 2TT

Biwesh Neupane joined the University of Birmingham in September 2021 as Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Finance. He obtained his PhD in Finance from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. He has also completed PGCert in Higher Education and he is Fellow of Advance HE (previously HEA).

His research interests include international investments, emerging markets finance, corporate governance, sustainable finance, climate finance, trading behaviour, corporate bond markets and initial public offerings. Dr Neupane’s research paper has been published (or accepted to be published) in ABS Ranked journals such as British Journal of Management (ABS 4), Journal of Corporate Finance (ABS 4), and Journal of International Money and Finance (ABS 3).

He welcomes queries for PhD supervision and research collaboration. 

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  • PGCert HE, 2020
  • PhD in Finance, 2019
  • PGCert in Research Methodology in Business Management, 2016
  • MBA, 2012


Biwesh Neupane joined the University of Birmingham in September 2021 as Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Finance. Before joining the University of Birmingham, he gained wide-ranging teaching and research experience as Lecturer in Finance at the University of Greenwich, London. Further, Biwesh has more than two years of professional experience working as an Associate in a portfolio management company and as a Credit Risk Officer in a large commercial bank. Alongside PhD from University of Strathclyde, he holds a PGCert in Higher Education from University of Greenwich, and a  PG Cert in Research Methodology in Business Management from University of Strathclyde.

Biwesh is published in high ranked finance and management journals such as Journal of Corporate Finance, British Journal of Management, and Journal of International Money and Finance. He has presented his research papers in numerous national and international conferences such as FMA, BAFA, EFMA, IFABS, and FEBS and has been invited to present at University of Strathclyde and National Stock Exchange in India.

Biwesh has also received a competitive research grant from National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) under NSE-IGIDR Corporate Governance Research Initiative 2017, and a travel grant to present a research paper in Mumbai, India. Further, he also serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of Corporate Finance, Quarterly Review of Finance and Economics, Economic Modelling, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Research in International Business and Finance, European Journal of Developmental Research, SN Business & Economics, Accounting Research Journal and Review of Behavioural Finance. Biwesh was awarded Outstanding Reviewer status by Economic Modelling for outstanding contribution in reviewing.


Marshall, A., Krebbers, A., McColgan, P., and Neupane, S. (2021), ‘Bookrunner syndicate geography and the quality of service: The benefits of a local team’, Journal of International Money and Finance, Forthcoming

Marshall, A., Farag, H., Neupane, B., Neupane, S., and Thapa, C. (2021), ‘Tax threat and the disruptive market power of foreign portfolio investors’, British Journal of Management, Forthcoming

Neupane, B., Thapa, C., Marshall, A., and Neupane, S. (2021), Mimicking insider trades, Journal of Corporate Finance, 68, 101940. doi:/10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2021.101940

Neupane, S. and Neupane, B. (2017), ‘Board structure and institutional ownership at the time of IPO’, Managerial Finance, 43(9), pp. 950-965. doi:/10.1108/MF-07-2016-0187

Neupane, S., Neupane, B. Paudyal, K. and Thapa, C. (2016), ‘Domestic and foreign institutional investors' investment in IPOs’, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 39, pp. 197-210. doi:/10.1016/j.pacfin.2016.06.011