Dr Andy Hodder

Dr Andy Hodder

Department of Management
Reader in Employment Relations
Head of Organisation, Work and Employment Group

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University House
B15 2TT

Dr Andy Hodder joined Birmingham Business School in September 2012. He is currently a Reader in Employment Relations, and Head of the Organisation, Work and Employment Group. Between 2019 and 2021, he was the University’s Director of Postgraduates (PGT).

Andy’s research examines contemporary employment relations in a range of contexts and can be split into three interrelated areas – trade union action, identity and purpose; trade union engagement with young workers; new technologies and employment relations. He is a member of the ‘Employment relations, trade unions and employee voice’ research group in the Department of Management, and the Work Inclusivity Research Centre (WIRC) at Birmingham Business School.

Between 2019 and 2022, Andy was Secretary of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) – the UK’s main association for those researching the politics of work. He is co-editor-in-chief of New Technology, Work and Employment, co-editor of the Emerald Book Series ‘Trade Unionism: Changing Contexts and Shifting Paradigms’ with Miguel Martínez Lucio, and co-editor of the Bristol University Press Book Series ‘Understanding Work and Employment Relations’ with Stephen Mustchin.

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  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (University of Birmingham)
  • PhD - Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations (Keele University)
  • MRes - Social Science Research Methods in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations (Keele University)
  • BA (Hons) - Business Administration and Human Resource Management (Keele University)


  • Trade unionism (growth, purpose, renewal and structure)
  • Theory and industrial relations 

Andy has worked with a range of trade union organisations (including the British Dietetic Association, the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers, the European Trade Union Confederation, FH - the Danish Trade Union Confederation, the GMB, the General Federation of Trade Unions, the Public and Commercial Services union, Strike Map, the Trades Union Congress, and Unions 21).

Other activities


Journal articles

Hodder, A. and Mustchin, S. (2023) ‘Examining the recent strike wave in the UK: The problem with official statistics’, The British Journal of Sociology.

Edwards, P. and Hodder, A. (2022) ‘Conflict and control in the contemporary workplace: Structured antagonism revisited’Industrial Relations Journal, 53(3): 220-240.

Hodder, A. and Martínez Lucio, M. (2021) 'Pandemics, politics, and the resilience of employment relations research', Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 31(4):430-438.

Houghton, D. and Hodder, A. (2021) 'Understanding trade union usage of social media: a case study of the Public and Commercial Services union on Facebook and Twitter'New Technology, Work and Employment, 36(2): 219-239.

Hodder, A. (2020) 'New technology, work and employment in the era of Covid-19'New Technology, Work and Employment, 35 (3): 262-275. 

Niforou, C. and Hodder, A. (2020) ‘Trade Union Pedagogy and Cross Border Action’, Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs, 20 (1): 3-24. 

Hodder, A. and Houghton, D. (2020) 'Unions, social media and young workers - evidence from the UK', New Technology, Work and Employment, 35 (1): 40-59. 

Nowak, P. and Hodder, A. (2019) ‘150 years of the Trades Union Congress – reflections on the past and challenges for the future’, Employee Relations, 41 (2): 270-278.

Hodder, A., Fullin, G., Kahmann, M. and Sapre, S. (2018) ‘Walking the tightrope: the imperatives of balancing control and autonomy for young worker groups’, Work & Occupations, 45 (4): 475–500.

Geelan, T. and Hodder, A. (2017) ‘Enhancing Transnational Labour Solidarity: The Unfulfilled Promise of the Internet and Social Media’, Industrial Relations Journal, 48 (4): 345-364.

Hodder, A., Williams, M., Kelly, J. and McCarthy, N. (2017) ‘Does strike action stimulate trade union membership growth?’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 55 (1): 165-186.

Harvey, G., Hodder, A. and Brammer, S. (2017) ‘Trade union participation in CSR deliberation: an evaluation’, Industrial Relations Journal, 48 (1): 42-55.

Hodder, A. and Edwards, P. K. (2015) ‘The essence of trade unions – understanding identity, ideology and purpose’, Work, Employment and Society, 29 (5): 843-854.

Hodder, A. and Houghton. D. J. (2015) ‘Union use of social media: a study of the University and College Union on Twitter’, New Technology, Work and Employment, 30 (3): 173-189.

Hodder, A. (2015) ‘Employment relations in the UK civil service’, Personnel Review, 44 (6): 930-948.

Hodder, A. (2015) ‘Young and unionised in the UK? Insights from the public sector’, Employee Relations, 37 (3): 314-328.

Hodder, A. (2014) ‘Organising young workers in the Public and Commercial Services union’ Industrial Relations Journal, 45 (2): 153-168.

Edited special issues

Geelan, T. and Hodder, A. (eds.) (2021) ‘The Internet, Social Media and Trade Union Revitalization: Still Behind the Digital Curve or Catching Up?’, New Technology, Work and Employment.

Hodder, A. (ed.) (2020) ‘New Technology, Work and Employment in the era of Covid-19: the contribution of the journal and its past publications to the current debate’, New Technology, Work and Employment.

Hodder, A. and Nowak, P. (eds.) (2019) ‘The future of work and the future of unions’, Employee Relations.


Hodder, A. and Mustchin, S. (eds.) (2024) The Value of Industrial Relations: Contemporary Work and Employment in Britain, Bristol University Press: Bristol.

Hodder, A. and Kretsos, L. (eds.) (2015) Young Workers and Trade Unions: A Global View, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.

Book contributions

Mustchin, S. and Hodder, A. (2024) ‘Introduction: The Enduring ‘Point’ and Value of Industrial Relations Research’, in A. Hodder and S. Mustchin (eds.) The Value of Industrial Relations: Contemporary Work and Employment in Britain, Bristol University Press: Bristol.

Hodder, A. (2023) ‘Industrial Action’ in S. Johnstone, J. Rodriguez and A. Wilkinson (eds.) Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, 2nd edition, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 192-192.

Geelan, T. and Hodder, A. (2021) ‘The Trials and Tribulations of Using Social Media to Enhance Transnational Labour Solidarity’, in A. Karatzogianni, I. Ferra, and M. Schandorf (eds.) Protest Technologies and Media Revolutions: The Longue Durée, Bingley: Emerald.

French, S. and Hodder, A. (2016) ‘Plus ça change: The Coalition government and the trade unions’, in P. Scott and S. Williams (eds.) Employment Relations under Coalition Government: The UK Experience, Routledge: London, 165-184.

Hodder, A. (2016) ‘Fixed Term Contracts’ in A. Wilkinson and S. Johnstone (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, pp. 145.

Hodder, A. (2016) ‘Industrial Action’ in A. Wilkinson and S. Johnstone (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, pp. 206.

Hodder, A. (2016) ‘Job Security’ in A. Wilkinson and S. Johnstone (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, pp. 240.

Hodder, A. (2016) ‘Precarious Work’ in A. Wilkinson and S. Johnstone (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, pp. 342.

Hodder, A. (2015) ‘“Old Dusty Men”? Young People and Trade Unions In The UK’, in A. Hodder and L. Kretsos (eds.) Young Workers and Trade Unions: A Global View, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 142-176.

Hodder A. and Kretsos, L. (2015) ‘Young Workers and Unions: Context and Overview’ in A. Hodder and L. Kretsos (eds.) Young Workers and Trade Unions: A Global View, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 1-15.

Kretsos, L. and Hodder, A. (2015) ‘Concluding Comments’, in A. Hodder and L. Kretsos (eds.) Young Workers and Trade Unions: A Global View, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 195-200.

Other papers

Hodder, A. and Vandaele, K. (2019) Young workers: attitudes to work, unions and society, European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU): Belgium. Also available in FrenchSpanishSerbo-CroatianSwedishGerman and Russian.

Simms, M., Holgate, J. and Hodder, A. (2018) Organising innovation: unions, young workers and precarity, Unions 21: London, 12 pages 

Hodder, A. (2016) ‘청년 근로자와 노동조합 : 영국 사례’ (Young workers and trade unions – the case of the UK), International Labor Brief, 14 (11): 9-17 (published in Korean).

Hodder, A. (2015) ‘Union initiatives towards young workers’, GFTU Viewpoint Special Progressive Summit Issue: 22-23.

Hodder, A. and French, S. (2010) ‘Resisting public sector cuts: the key issue of union strategy’, Federation News, 10 (2): 6-7.

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