Christoph Görtz

Christoph Görtz

Professor of Macroeconomics

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Christoph Görtz is a Professor of Macroeconomics. He completed his PhD from the University of Nottingham and graduated in 2007 as Diplom Volkswirt from the University of Bonn. His research interests are in the area of macroeconomics with particular focus on business cycles; news, expectations and uncertainty; DSGE modelling and macroeconometrics; and inventory and investment dynamics.

For more information please visit Christoph's personal website.


DiplVw (University of Bonn, Germany), PhD (University of Nottingham)


During his time time at the University of Birmingham Christoph Görtz has taught the following modules:

  • Monetary Policy (3rd year BSc)
  • Monetary Economics (MSc)
  • DSGE Modelling (PhD)

Other activities

Research Group: Cluster for Research in Econometrics, Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group

Co-Director of the Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group

Director MSc Economics


Recent publications


Botsis, A, Görtz, C & Sakellaris, P 2024, 'Quantifying qualitative survey data with panel data', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 167, 104929.

Gortz, C, Gunn, C & Lubik, T 2024, 'What drives inventory accumulation? News on rates of return and marginal costs', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

Gortz, C, Sakellaris, P & Tsoukalas, J 2023, 'Firms’ financing dynamics around lumpy capacity adjustments', European Economic Review, vol. 156, 10448.

Gortz, C, McGowan, D & Yeromonahos, M 2023, 'Furlough and Household Financial Distress during the COVID‐19 Pandemic', Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

Gortz, C, Tsoukalas, J, Li, W & Zanetti, F 2023, 'The effect of monetary policy shocks in the United Kingdom: an external instruments approach', Macroeconomic Dynamics.

Gortz, C & Yeromonahos, M 2022, 'Asymmetries in risk premia, macroeconomic uncertainty and business cycles', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 137, 104330.

Gortz, C, Gunn, C & Lubik, T 2022, 'Is there news in inventories?', Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 126, pp. 87-104.

Gortz, C, Tsoukalas, J & Zanetti, F 2022, 'News shocks under financial frictions', American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 210-243.

Gambetti, L, Gortz, C, Korobilis, D, Tsoukalas, JD & Zanetti, F 2022, 'The effect of news shocks and monetary policy', Advances in Econometrics, vol. 44A, pp. 138-164.

Gortz, C & Tsoukalas, JD 2018, 'Sectoral TFP News Shocks', Economics Letters, vol. 168.

Gortz, C & Mirza, A 2018, 'Solving models with jump discontinuities in policy functions', Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 434-456.

Gortz, C & Tsoukalas, J 2017, 'News and financial intermediation in aggregate fluctuations', The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 514-530.

Gortz, C & Tsoukalas, JD 2012, 'Learning, capital-embodied technology and aggregate fluctuations', Review of Economic Dynamics.

Other contribution

Gortz, C, Koirala, S & McGowan, D 2022, Cost-of-Living Crisis, Travel Chaos and Supply Chain Disruptions – A Targeted Furlough Scheme to Ease the Pain.. <>

Gortz, C, McGowan, D & Koirala, S 2022, How a new and improved furlough scheme could help the UK tackle recession and economic uncertainty. The Conversation . <>

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