Dr Edward Granter

Dr Edward Granter

Department of Management
Associate Professor in Organisational Behaviour

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University House
Edgbaston Park Road
B15 2TY

Edward Granter is Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Organizational Behaviour in the Department of Management at Birmingham Business School. He teaches and writes about work, organization and society. 

From July 2020 to July 2023 Dr Granter was Programme Director, Undergraduate Business Management degrees.

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  • PhD Sociology, University of Salford (2008)
  • MA Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge (2004)
  • MA in Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham (2003)
  • BA Hons Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge (2000)


After a first degree in social and political sciences (SPS), Dr Granter’s academic career has focused on the sociology of work. Since 2009 he has worked in UK business schools where his teaching and research interests have come under the disciplinary headings of ‘organization studies’ and ‘organizational behaviour’.


  • The Future of Work (MSc HRM)

  • Managing Work and Organization (MSc HRM)

  • Organizational Management (MSc Advanced Engineering Management Programme)


Dr Granter’s research interests are fairly wide in that they range from empirical study of life at work, to theoretical analysis of organization and politics as a ‘racket’. He has provided a number of perspectives on the work of the Frankfurt School Critical Theorists; Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse and this is a long-term research theme. Dr Granter wrote a book on the end of work in 2009, and continues to follow and write about changes in the world of work and employment.

Current projects

  • Academic freedom at Universities
  • Andre Gorz
  • Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies
  • Local Community Currencies

Other activities

Edward is an External Examiner for undergraduate modules in management, Cardiff University 

From 2018 to 2022 he was an External Examiner for management modules at Keele University 

Associate Editor for the following journals: 

Competition and Change (since 2018)

Work, Employment and Society (since 2018)


Recent publications


McCann, L, Granter, E, Bozkurt, O, Finn, R, Hunter, C, Kivinen, N, Kumar, A & Wierman, B (eds) 2024, Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.


Aroles, J, Morrell, K, Granter, E & Liang, Y 2024, 'Representing, Re-Presenting, or Producing the Past? Memory Work Amongst Museum Employees', Journal of Management Studies. https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.13059

Aroles, J, Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, A, Hassard, J, Foster, WM & Granter, E 2024, 'Won’t Get Fooled Again? Theorising Discursive Constructions of Novelty in the ‘New’ World of Work', Work, Employment & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/09500170241300948

Granter, E & Aroles, J 2023, 'Crisis and Utopia: André Gorz and the end of work', Journal of Classical Sociology, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 211-228. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468795X231170368

Aroles, J, Granter, E & de Vaujany, F-X 2020, '‘Becoming mainstream’: the professionalization and corporatization of digital nomadism', New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 114-129. https://doi.org/10.1111/ntwe.12158

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Granter, E & Boscaino, M 2024, The New Enigmas: AI and Platform Work. in J Bratton & L Steele (eds), Artificial intelligence and work : Transforming work, organizations, and society in an age of insecurity. 1st edn, SAGE Publications, pp. 95-110. <https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/artificial-intelligence-and-work/book286109>


Granter, E, Peiro, M & Aroles, J 2025, Love, Death and Robots: Envisaging the Future of Work. in Edward Elgar Handbook of the Sociology of Work. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

McCann, L, Wierman, B & Granter, E 2021, Treating ideology seriously in international business and management research: a textual analysis of the global self-management fad. in Ö Bozkurt & M Geppert (eds), A research agenda for international business and management. Elgar Research Agendas, Edward Elgar, pp. 131–151. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781789902044.00017

Wierman, B, Granter, E & McCann, L 2020, Anarchy in Management Today. in M Parker, K Stoborod & T Swann (eds), Anarchism, Organization and Management: Critical Perspectives for Students. Routledge.

Granter, E 2020, Critical Theory and the Post Work Imaginary. in J Aroles, F-X de Vaujany & K Dale (eds), Experiencing the New World of Work. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Granter, E, Gilloch, G & Abbinnett, R 2023, 'Introduction: Celebrating the life and work of André Gorz', Journal of Classical Sociology, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 155-161. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468795X231170763

Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary

Seymour, K & Granter, E 2024, Critical Theory. in L McCann, E Granter, O Bozkurt, R Finn, C Hunter, N Kivinen, A Kumar & B Wierman (eds), Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Granter, E & Bozkurt, O 2024, Labour Process Theory. in L McCann, E Granter, O Bozkurt, R Finn, C Hunter, N Kivinen, A Kumar & B Wierman (eds), Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Granter, E 2024, Resistance. in L McCann, E Granter, O Bozkurt, R Finn, C Hunter, N Kivinen, A Kumar & B Wierman (eds), Encyclopedia of Critical Management Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Review article

Liang, Y, Li, J, Aroles, J & Granter, E 2025, 'Content creation within the algorithmic environment: A systematic review', Work, Employment & Society.

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Future of work; end of work; post-work; work; academic freedom; alternative organizations; utopia; ambulance work; extreme work; gig economy; algorithms; AI at work

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