Dr Elvan Gokalp

Dr Elvan Gokalp

Business School
Associate Professor

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Biirmingham Business School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Elvan Gokalp is an Associate Professor of Business Analytics at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. Elvan specialises in mathematical modelling of decision-making under uncertainty in complex settings. She uses reinforcement learning, simulation modelling and other operations research techniques to help organizations improve their policies. She is a Fellow of Higher Education Academy.

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  • PhD in Operations Research, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, 2018
  • MSc. in Management Science, London School of Economics, 2013
  • BSc. Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, 2012


Elvan received her undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from Bogazici University, Turkey where she graduated with high honour. Then, she has completed a MSc. degree in Management Science from London School of Economics. She then completed a PhD in Operations Research in Warwick Business School. Her PhD thesis focused on  decision-making problems under uncertainty in various healthcare settings. She then has been a Post-doctoral Research Associate in ‘Future Targeted Healthcare Manufacturing’ programme.

In University of Warwick, she also taught in MSc. in Healthcare Operations Management. She was a lecturer between 2020-2024 in Information, Decisions and Operations group in School of Management, University of Bath.


MSc. in Business Analytics

Postgraduate supervision

Healthcare Operations Managemen; Machine/Reinforcement Learning; Stochastic programming; Simulation modelling