Professor John Burgess Goddard OBE

Professor John Burgess Goddard OBE

The Department of Strategy and International Business
Professor of Universities and Cities

Contact details

University House
B15 2TT

John Goddard is Professor of Universities and Cities at City-Region Economic Development Institute (City-REDI) and the West Midlands Regional Economic Development Institute (WM REDI) at the University of Birmingham. John is also the Emeritus Professor of Regional Development Studies at Newcastle University where he was founding director of the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) and subsequently Deputy Vice Chancellor responsible for civic engagement.

John is an international expert on the role of universities in city and regional development and co-author of two major publication on The University and the City and The Civic University. He has acted as an advisor to the OECD, the European Commission, city and regional governments and individual universities across the UK and overseas. Most recently he has been Vice Chair of the UK Civic University Commission.

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  • University College London B.A. (Hons). Geography, 1965. Sir Wm. Meyer Essay Prize
  • London School of Economics PhD 1973


  • OBE , 1986
  • Victoria Medal, Royal Geographical Society ,1992
  • Fellow , Academy of Social Sciences, 2008
  • Honorary Fellow, University College London, 2010
  • Sir Peter Hall Award, Regional Studies Association,  2011
  • UK Lord Dearing Lifetime Achievement Award for Higher Education ,2012
  • Fellow,  Academia Europaea, 2015
  • Honorary Doctorate, Hasselt University, Belgium

Career History

  • London School of Economics -Lecturer in Economic Geography, 1968-75
  • University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1975
  • Henry Daysh Professor of Regional Development Studies,1975-2008
  • Director, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, 1977-1988
  • Head of Department of Geography, 1980-1984
  • Dean, Faculty of Law, Environment and Social Sciences, 1994-1999
  • Pro Vice- Chancellor, 1998-2001
  • Deputy Vice Chancellor, 2001-08
  • Emeritus Professor 2008
  • Special Advisor to the Vice Chancellor and President, 2017-19
  • Leverhulme Trust Emeritus Fellow, 2008-10
  • NESTA Visiting Fellow, 2008-9



  • Social Sciences Doctoral Training Programme, Newcastle University
  • MA in Urban and Regional Development, Newcastle University
  • Local and Regional Development, Final year module BA in Geography, Newcastle University   

Doctoral research

PhD title
Office Linkages and Location in Central London

Other activities

UK Civic University Commission, Vice Chair (2018-19) and steering group for follow on Civic University Network Hub

Supporting professional development of university  organisations working on the  interface between higher education and society: the Association University Research and Industrial Liaison Officers (AURIL); Said Business School, Oxford Entrepreneurial University Leadership Programme; the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU); the European Universities Association (EUA);  Universities  in Capital Cities (UNICA); League of European Research Universities; the German Rectors Conference; the Italian Rectors Conference; UUK; the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE); EUNiverCities Network.


Recent publications


Goddard, J & Vallance, P 2013, The university and the city.


Upton, S, Vallance, P & Goddard, J 2014, 'From outcomes to process: Evidence for a new approach to research impact assessment', Research Evaluation.

Goddard, J, Coombes, M, Kempton, L & Vallance, P 2014, 'Universities as anchor institutions in cities in a turbulent funding environment: Vulnerable institutions and vulnerable places in England', Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.

Goddard, J & Vallance, P 2012, 'Universities, technology and innovation centres and regional development: The case of the North-East of England', Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 609-627.

Other report

Read, H, Bramley, G, Green, A & Goddard, J 2022, Student Knowledge Exchange Impact Toolkit - Summary Guide. WMREDI.

McNulty, D (ed.), Riley, B, Goddard, J, Green, A, Millward, C & Boxall, M 2022, Universities and Region Forum: What role do Universities have in Levelling Up? WMREDI.

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