PhD projects are offered in the general area of Behavioural Neurobiology using the fruit-fly Drosophila as a model organism. We study how the brain responds when there are conflicting options available, and how it chooses amongst them. By studying how the brain makes decisions at a genetic, cellular and circuit level, in an accessible experimental system, we aim to reveal fundamental principles underlying behavioural choices that might be present across species.
Technical approaches include genetics, molecular biology, optogenetics/thermogenetics, behavioural assays, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy and functional imaging (in collaboration with other research groups).
Masters projects are offered in the field of Behavioural Neurobiology as above.
Interested in joining the lab for MSc, MSci, and MRes projects or PhD training? Please, contact Dr Carolina Rezaval by email
We are keen to host domestic and international students who have secured their own funding.
The University of Birmingham offers a number of competitive BBSRC funded PhD positions each year as part of the MIBTP doctoral training scheme, in association with the Universities of Warwick and Leicester. Application deadlines are every January. If you are interested in this scheme, please get in touch by email to discuss potential projects and applications.
For a list of possible PhD projects offered by Dr Rezaval
Details of Dr Rezaval's post-doctoral research at the University of Oxford (Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour) can be found at
Watch a 3 minute video about Dr Rezaval's work here: