Dr Steve Minchin DPhil

Dr Steve Minchin

School of Biosciences
Associate Professor
Academic Director - Birmingham International Academy

Contact details

W124, School of Biosciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Steve Minchin has an interest in transcriptional control at both the molecular and genomic level. He has a strong interest in research-led teaching, innovation and quality management. In 2009 he was awarded the Head of Schools’ Award for Excellence in Teaching and Supporting Student Learning.

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BSc (Hons) Biochemistry (University of Birmingham)

DPhil (University of Sussex)


Dr Steve Minchin graduated from Birmingham University in 1985 and completed a DPhil at the University of Sussex in 1988. He rejoined the School of Biochemistry at the University of Birmingham in 1988, working as a research fellow with Professor Steve Busby. He was appointed as a lecturer in 1991, becoming a Senior lecturer in 2001, was Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement for the College of Life and Environmental Sciences from 2010 to 2012. He is currently the Academic Director of the Birmingham International Academy.


I teach on several course in all three years of the undergraduate programmes in Biochemistry. Biological Sciences and Human Biology. This includes:

  • BIO154 – Genetics I - lecture topics include DNA structure & replication; Transcription & Translation; and Mutations
  • BIO132 - Skills for Biosciences - topics include IT & research skills
  • BIO230 - The Human Genome - lecture topics include genome sequencing and analysis
  • BIO265 – Genetics II - lecture topic, regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
  • BIO325 - Eukaryotic Gene Expression - lecture topics include the transcriptional machinery and transcriptional regulation in a chromatin context

I have co-authored an undergraduate text book Gene Cloning: Principles and Applications by Julia Lodge, Pete Lund and Steve Minchin.

Other activities

I am a keen photographer and enjoy walking and skiing.


Minchin, S.D. and Busby, S.J.W. (2010) “Transcription Factors” in Brenner’s Online Encyclopedia of Genetics (2nd Edition) in press.

Busby, S.J.W. and Minchin, S.D. (2010) “Genomic approaches to reconstructing transcriptional networks” in Bacterial Gene Regulation and Transcriptional Networks, Babu, M.M. eds. (Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press) in press.

Minchin, S.D. and S.J.W. Busby (2009) Analysis of mechanisms of activation and repression at bacterial promoters. Methods 47: p. 6-12.

George, S., Diab, A. M., Sabine, V., Chipman, J. K., Minchin, S. D. and Williams, T. D. (2006) A genomic analysis of pollutant response in liver of flounders from two highley polluted european estuaries. Marine Environmental Research. 62: p. S165.

Williams, T.D., Diab, A.M., George, S.G., Godfrey, R.E., Sabine, V., Conesa, A., Minchin, S.D., Watts, P.C., Chipman, J.K. (2006). Development of the GENIPOL European flounder (Platichthys flesus) microarray and determination of temporal transcriptional responses to cadmium at low dose. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40: 6479-6488.

Zheng,D., Constantinidou,C., Hobman,J.L., and Minchin,S.D. (2004). Identification of the CRP regulon using in vitro and in vivo transcriptional profiling. Nucleic Acids Res., 32, 5874-5893.

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