Professor Jonathan Green

Professor Jonathan Green

School of Biosciences
Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education

Contact details

School of Biosciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Jonathan Green is the Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education   as well as being a member of the academic staff in the School of Biosciences. As DPVC (Education) he chairs University Quality Assurance Committee (UQAC), Collaborative Provision Committee (CPC), the Degree Apprenticeships Steering Group, and  Progress & Awards Board (PAB). He also oversees the approval of new Programmes and chairs the Education Development Group for UoB Dubai. He represents the University on the U21 Educational Innovation Group and the HEFCE Learning Gain Curriculum Project. He has research interests in innovative methods of teaching, including interactive lectures, the uses of different types of assessment and feedback, the inclusive curriculum and the transition of students to University.

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BA (Hons) Natural Sciences (Biochemistry) University of Cambridge
PhD Biochemistry , University of Cambridge


After completing his PhD in Plant Biochemistry, Professor Green spent 18 months at EMBL in Heidelberg, Germany, before moving to a Group Leader’s position at the MRC Cellular Immunology Unit in Oxford for four years.  He was appointed to a lectureship in Plant Biology at the University of Birmingham in 1985 and became Senior Lecturer in 1995.  He was Head of Education in the School of Biosciences from  2008 – 2011. 

He became Director of Education in the College of Life and Environmental Sciences in 2011 and  has been the Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education since 2013. He was also the  Director of the Teaching Academy from 2014-17 . He is a professor of Life Sciences Education.


Professor Green has recently taught on Biosciences modules

  • Microbes & Man 
  • Molecular & Cellular Basis of the Immunology

Postgraduate supervision

For a list of possible PhD projects offered by Professor Green:


  • Enhancing the student learning experience through lecture flipping
  • Improving first year teaching through an appreciation of knowledge retention by students during the transition from ‘A’ level to University
  • Developing an Inclusive Curriculum
  • Infection Processes of Fungal Plant Pathogens; Fungal Cell Surfaces


Jones, H., Black, B., Green, J.R., Langton, P., Rutherford, S., Scott, J.  & Brown, S. (2014) J. Biol. Educ.   Indications of knowledge retention in the transition to Higher Education DOI: 10.1080/00219266.2014.926960

McLinden, M.,  Grove, M.J., Green, J.R., & Birch. A. (2014) Developing and Embedding Inclusive Policy and Practice within the University of Birmingham. Education in Practice, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp 18-21

Rowley, N.& Green, J.R.  (2015) Just-in-time Teaching and Peer Instruction in the Flipped Classroom to Enhance Student Learning. Education in Practice   Vol 2  No 1,   pp14-17

Rawlings. S.L., O’Connell, R.J., Green, J.R. (2007) The spore coat of the bean anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum is required for adhesion, appressorium development and pathogenicity. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 70: 110-119

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