Fatemeh Ghaderiardakani, Ellen Collas, Deborah Kohn Damiano, Katherine Tagg, Neil S. Graham, Juliet C. Coates. Effects of green seaweed extract on Arabidopsis early development suggest roles for hormone signalling in plant responses to algal fertilisers. Scientific Reports(2019)9: 1983.
De Clerck O, Kao SM, Bogaert KA, Blomme J, Foflonker F, Kwantes M, Vancaester E, Vanderstraeten L, Aydogdu E, Boesger J, Califano G, Charrier B, Clewes R, Del Cortona A, D’Hondt S, Fernandez-Pozo N, Gachon CM, Hanikenne M, Latterman L, Leliaert F, Liu X, Maggs CA, Popper ZA, Raven JA, Van Bel M, Wilhelmsson PKKI, Battacharya D, Coates JC, Rensing SA, Van Der Straeten D, VArdi A, Sterck L, Vandepoele K, Van de Peer Y, Wichard T, Bothwell JH (2018) Insights into the Evolution of Multicellularity from the Sea Lettuce Genome. Current Biology 28 (18) 2921-2933.e5
Perroud PF, Haas FB, Hiss M, Ullrich KK, Alboresi A, Amirebrahimi M, Barry K, Bassi R, Bonhomme S, Chen H, Coates J, Fujita T, Guyon-Debast A, Lang D, Lin J, Lipzen A, Nogué F, Oliver MJ, Ponce de León I, Quatrano RS, Rameau C, Reiss B, Reski R, Ricca M, Saidi Y, Sun N, Szövényi P, Sreedasyam A, Grimwood J, Stacey G, Schmutz J, Rensing SA The Physcomitrella patens gene atlas project: large scale RNA-seq based expression data. Plant J (2018) doi: 10.1111/tpj.13940.
Ghaderiardakani F, Coates JC, Wichard T. Bacteria-induced morphogenesis of Ulva intestinalis and Ulva mutabilis (Chlorophyta): a contribution to the lottery theory. FEMS Microbiology Ecology (2017) 10.1093/femsec/fix094a>
Thompson SEM, Coates JC. Surface sensing and stress-signalling in Ulva and fouling diatoms - potential targets for antifouling: a review. Biofouling (2017) doi: 10.1080/08927014.2017.1319473.
CharrierB, Abreu H, Araujo R, BruhnA, CoatesJC, De Clerck O, KatsarosC, RobainaRR, Wichard T (2017) Furthering knowledge on seaweed growth and development to facilitate sustainable aquaculture. New Phytologist (2017) doi: 10.1111/nph.14728.
Charrier B, Coates JC, Stavridou I (2016) Surfing amongst Oil-Tankers: Connecting Emerging Research Fields to the Current International Landscape. Trends in Plant Science, doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2016.11.003.
Plackett ARG and Coates JC (2016) Life’s a beach – the colonization of the terrestrial environment. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.14295
Coates JC (2016) Model Plants for Understanding Evolution. Encyclopaedia of Life Science, DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0023749
Vesty EF, Saidi Y, Moody LA, Whitbread A, Needs S, Choudhary A, Burns B, McLeod D, Bradshaw SJ, Bach SS, Lunde C, King BC, Sorensen HT, Coates JC (2016). The decision to germinate is regulated by divergent molecular networks in spores and seeds. New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.14018
Moody LA, Saidi Y, Gibbs DJ, Choudhary A, Bansal KK, Vesty EF, Bradshaw SJ, Coates JC. (2016) An ancient and conserved function for Armadillo-related proteins in the control of spore and seed germination by abscisic acid. New Phytologist doi: 10.1111/nph.13938
Wichard T, Charrier B, Mineur F, Bothwell JH, De Clerck O and Coates JC (2015) The green seaweed Ulva: a model system to study morphogenesis. Front. Plant Sci. 6:72. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00072
Vesty EF, Kessler RW, Wichard T and Coates JC (2015) Regulation of gametogenesis and zoosporogenesis in Ulva linza (Chlorophyta): comparison with Ulva mutabilis and potential for laboratory culture. Front. Plant Sci. 6:15. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00015
Coates JC, Umm-E-Aiman and Charrier, B (2015) Understanding “green” multicellularity: do seaweeds hold the key? Front. Plant Sci. | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00737
Gibbs DJ, Coates JC (2014) AtMYB93 is an endodermis-specific transcriptional regulator of lateral root development in Arabidopsis. Plant Signalling and Behaviour DOI: 10.4161/psb.29808
Gibbs DJ, VoßU, HardingSA, FannonJ, MoodyLA, Yamada E, ChoudharyA, BradshawSJ, SwarupK, LavenusJ, Bassel GW, Nibau C, Bennett MJ, Coates JC. (2014) AtMYB93 is a novel negative regulator of lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 203 p.1194-207
Moody LA, Saidi Y, Smiles EJ, Bradshaw SJ, Meddings M, WinnPJ, Coates JC. (2012)
ARABIDILLO gene homologues in basal land plants: species-specific gene duplication and likely functional redundancy.
Planta, doi 10.1007/s00425-012-1742-7
Saidi Y, Hearn TJ, Coates JC. (2012)
Function and evolution of “green” GSK3/shaggy-like kinases.
Trends in Plant Science 17 p.39-46
Coates JC, Moody LA, Saidi Y. (2011)
Plants and the earth system – past events and future challenges.
New Phytologist 189 p.370-383
Nibau C, Gibbs DJ, Bunting KA, Moody LA, Smiles EJ, Tubby JA, Bradshaw SJ, Coates JC. (2011)
ARABIDILLO proteins have a novel and conserved domain structure important for the regulation of their stability.
Plant Molecular Biology 75 p.77-92 (epub ahead of print)
Straschil U, Talman A, Ferguson DJP, Bunting KA, Xu Z, Bailes E, Sinden RE, Holder AA, Smith EF, Coates JC, Tewari R. (2010)
The armadillo repeat protein PF16 is essential for flagellar structure and function in Plasmodium male gametes
PLoS One 5 e12901
Tewari R, Bailes E, Coates JC. (2010)
Armadillo protein evolution: lessons from little creatures(Invited review)
Trends in Cell Biology 20 p.470-81
Møller IS, Gilliham M, Jha D, Mayo GM, Roy SJ, Coates JC, Haseloff J, Tester M. (2009)
Shoot Na+exclusion and increased salinity tolerance engineered by cell type-specific alteration of Na+transport in Arabidopsis.
The Plant Cell 21 p.2163-2178
Coates JC. (2008)
Green evolution: the key to a new generation (Invited book chapter)
In: The New Optimists – a popular science book. (ed Keith Richards, Linus Publishing) p.93-96
Nibau C, Gibbs DJ, Coates JC. (2008)
Branching out in new directions: the control of root architecture by lateral root formation (Invited Tansley Review)
New Phytologist 179 p.595-614
Ubeda-Tomás S, Swarup R, Coates J, Swarup K, Laplaze L, Beemster GT, Hedden P, Bhalerao R, Bennett MJ. (2008)
Root growth in Arabidopsis requires gibberellin/DELLA signalling in the endodermis.
Nature Cell Biology 10 p.625-628
Coates JC. (2007)
Armadillo repeat proteins: versatile regulators of plant development and signaling (Invited book chapter)
In: Plant Cell Monographs 10: Plant Growth Signalling (eds Bogre L and Beemster G; Springer) p.299-314
Coates JC, Laplaze L, Haseloff J. (2006)
Armadillo-related proteins promote lateral root development in Arabidopsis.
PNAS 103 p.1621-1626
Harwood AJ, Coates JC. (2004)
A prehistory of cell adhesion (Invited review)
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 16 p.470-476
Coates JC. (2003)
Armadillo repeat proteins: beyond the animal kingdom (Invited review).
Trends in Cell Biology 13 p.463-471
Coates JC and deBono M. (2002)
Antagonistic pathways in neurons exposed to the body fluid regulate social feeding in C. elegans.
Nature 419 p.925-928.
Coates JC, Grimson MJ, Williams RSB, Bergman W, Blanton RL, Harwood AJ. (2002)
Loss of the b-catenin homologue aardvark causes ectopic stalk formation in Dictyostelium.
Mechanisms of Development 116 p.117-127
Coates JC, Harwood AJ. (2001)
Cell-cell adhesion and signal transduction during Dictyostelium development.
J. Cell Sci 114 p.4349-4358
Grimson MJ, Coates JC, Reynolds JP, Shipman M, Blanton RL, Harwood AJ. (2000)
Adherens junctions and b-catenin-mediated signalling in a non-metazoan organism.
Nature 408 p.727-731 (Joint first author)
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