Academic interests
My main research interests include how you can successfully incorporate English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) onto an English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP) course.
Teale, S. (2017). Integrating an ESAP component into an EGAP course. [Presentation to the BALEAP Conference.]. University of Bristol, UK.
Teale, S. (2017). Enhancing International Foundation Programme (IFP) student engagement by means of peer support by successful ex-student. [Presentation at the InForm Conference]. University of Reading, UK.
Teale, S., Fokel de Vries, R and Haines, K. (2021). EAP in times of interculturalisation and internationalisation: moving towards inclusivity. [Presentation at the EAP Conference]. Online: hosted by the University of St Andrews, UK.
Teale, S. and Fokel de Vries, R. (2021) EAP as a lingua franca: moving towards a more inclusive internationalised standard. [Presentation at the BALEAP 2021 Conference.] Online: hosted by the University of Glasgow, UK.
Teale, S. and De Vries, R. (2021). Academic English as a Lingua Franca: moving towards a more inclusive, internationalised standard. Paper accepted by IAIE 2021 Conference. Online: hosted by the Kibbutzim College of Education and MOFET Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.