Krassimira Tzvetkova

EAP Teaching Fellow

Contact details

Edgbaston Park Road
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT


MA in English Language, Literature, Linguistics and Translation

BTh in Theology and Christian Ministries

Cambridge CELTA

Full Qualified Teacher Status



Hello, I am Krassie. I was born in Bulgaria but have been living in Birmingham since 1999. I completed a second degree in Theology at the small Birmingham Christian College in Selly Oak, before getting my first job as a secondary school teacher. Teaching at the BIA has given me a good insight into the experiences and needs of international students in the UK. My interests include Psychology and Philosophy. My passion is writing stories, novels and poetry.


I have worked at the BIA since 2012, on both pressessional and insessional programmes. My prior teaching experience includes work in Bulgaria and the UK, in community settings as well as established educational institutions.

I am currently teaching on a new insessional programme, entitled Academic English Enhancement, while in the summer I am closely involved with the BIA presessionals.

I still have not written a full novel, but I am working on one! I have written short stories, poems and plays. I love teaching writing.

Other activities

My research interests include:

The therapeutic influence of creative writing on persons from abusive backgrounds

Supporting students with ADHD, anxiety and depression in large cohort classes

Applied linguistics in EAP at tertiary level

Utilising AI for creative thinking