Mark has a wealth of experience from working in a number of analytical roles across various public sector organisations including the NHS, local government and the regulatory sector.
Following 9 years working as an analyst for the water regulator (OFWAT), Mark began working in the health sector in 2008 in an analytical role supporting Wolverhampton's Substance Misuse Commissioning Team. This involved regular analysis and interpretation of information around substance misuse in Wolverhampton to inform the commissioning of services.
Mark continued to work in the area of substance misuse when he moved to Birmingham's Drug and Alcohol Action Team, again undertaking a primarily analytical role to support the commissioning of substance misuse services.
He joined the Department of Public Health at the University of Birmingham 2012 in the role of JSNA Officer and Knowledge Exchange Facilitator. This involved supporting the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) of the health and well-being of the population of Worcestershire on behalf of Worcestershire County Council and NHS Worcestershire.
As part of this role Mark also facilitated a public health knowledge exchange partnership between Worcestershire County Council and the University of Birmingham.
He has particular expertise in the area of substance misuse, but has also worked on the subjects of obesity, physical activity and domestic abuse.
As part of these analytical roles Mark has produced a number of needs assessments and service evaluations that have helped to shape the commissioning of NHS and local government services.
Mark is currently involved in a project using network analysis techniques in Geographical Information Systems to map the ‘walkability’ of certain areas.
He also has experience of using discrete event simulation software to better understand the Adult Social Care system in Worcestershire.