Ms Aleph Ross

Ms Aleph Ross

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Postgraduate Researcher

Contact details

Aleph is a postgraduate researcher working on venereal disease and sexual health in twentieth century Anglo-Jewish history. This project is part of Birmingham’s Histories of Sexual Health in Britain, 1918–1980 and is funded by Midlands4Cities as a collaborative project involving the University of Birmingham, the University of Warwick, and Barts Health Archives.

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  • MA Contemporary History and Politics, Birkbeck, University of London
  • BA History and Politics, University of Cambridge


Aleph's current project focuses on sexual health and Jewish migration in London’s East End. Aleph is interested in the way Jewish migrants were represented in the medico-sexual discourses of early-mid twentieth century Britain, as well as the way Jewish people, as both doctors and patients, navigated and produced sexual self-knowledge during this period. In the past Aleph has written about anti-trafficking initiatives and white slavery in Britain’s Jewish community.

Other activities

Raphael Samuel History Centre