Recent publications
BASIL-3 Investigators, Bradbury, AW, Hall, JA, Popplewell, MA, Meecham, L, Bate, GR, Kelly, L, Deeks, JJ & Moakes, CA 2025, 'Plain versus drug balloon and stenting in severe ischaemia of the leg (BASIL-3): open label, three arm, randomised, multicentre, phase 3 trial', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), vol. 388, e080881.
Daley, AJ, Griffin, RA, Sanders, JP, Gokal, K, Ives, N, Skrybant, M, Parretti, H, Edwardson, CL, Biddle, SJH, Jolly, K, Greaves, C, Greenfield, SM, Maddison, R, Esliger, DW, Sherar, LB, Frew, E, Mutrie, N, Maylor, B, Yates, T, Tearne, S & Moakes, CA 2025, 'Snacktivity™ to promote physical activity in primary care, community health and public health settings: A feasibility randomised controlled trial ', International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
Bradbury, AW, Hall, J, Moakes, CA, Popplewell, M, Meecham, L, Bate, GR, Kelly, L, Diamantopoulos, A, Ganeshan, A, Houlind, K, Malmstedt, J, Patel, JV, Saratzis, A & Zayed, H 2024, 'Bypass versus Angioplasty in Severe Ischaemia of the Leg (BASIL)-2 Trial: Analysis of the Timing and Causes of Death in Participants Randomised to an Infrapopliteal Vein Bypass or Best Endovascular Treatment First Revascularisation Strategy', European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.
the WILL Trial Study Group 2024, 'Determining optimal timing of birth for women with chronic or gestational hypertension at term: The WILL (When to Induce Labour to Limit risk in pregnancy hypertension) randomised trial', PLoS Medicine, vol. 21, no. 11, e1004481.
Popplewell, MA, Meecham, L, Davies, HOB, Kelly, L, Ellis, T, Bate, GR, Moakes, CA & Bradbury, AW 2024, 'Editor's Choice - Bypass versus Angioplasty for Severe Ischaemia of the Leg (BASIL) Prospective Cohort Study and the Generalisability of the BASIL-2 Randomised Controlled Trial', European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 146-152.
Ives, N, Woolley, R, Saleem , MA, Moakes, C, Waters, A, Gilbert, RD, Jarrett, H, Brettell, E, Nash, S, Farmer, LK, Ourradi, K & Johnson, SA 2024, 'Efficacy and safety of eculizumab in children with Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli haemolytic uraemic syndrome: the ECUSTEC RCT', Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1-78.
Tripathi, D, Patch, D, Mehrzad, H, Yu, D, Aspinall, RJ, Armstrong, MJ, Stanley, AJ, Ireland, H, Travis, S, Hayes, P, Lomax, M, Roslund, N, Lam, E, Slinn, G, Jowett, S, Moakes, C, Maher, A, Brettell, E, Sehmi, S & REACT-AVB trial collaborative group 2024, 'Study protocol for a Randomised controlled trial of EArly transjugular intrahepatiC porTosystemic stent–shunt in Acute Variceal Bleeding (REACT-AVB trial)', BMJ Open Gastroenterology, vol. 11, no. 1, e001314.
BASIL-2 Investigators, Moakes, CA, Bradbury, AW, Abdali, Z, Bate, GR, Hall, J, Jarrett, H, Kelly, L, Kigozi, J, Lockyer, S, Meecham, L, Patel, S, Popplewell, M, Slinn, G & Deeks, JJ 2024, 'Vein bypass first vs. best endovascular treatment first revascularisation strategy for chronic limb-threatening ischaemia due to infra-popliteal disease: the BASIL-2 RCT', Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), vol. 28, no. 65, pp. 1-72.
Ashworth, D, Battersby, C, Bick, D, Green, M, Hardy, P, Leighton, L, Magee, LA, Maher, A, McManus, RJ, Moakes, C, Morris, RK, Nelson-Piercy, C, Sparkes, J, Rivero-Arias, O, Webb, A, Wilson, H, Myers, J & Chappell, LC 2023, 'A treatment strategy with nifedipine versus labetalol for women with pregnancy hypertension: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (Giant PANDA)', Trials, vol. 24, no. 1, 584.
BASIL-2 Trial Investigators 2023, 'A vein bypass first versus a best endovascular treatment first revascularisation strategy for patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia who required an infra-popliteal, with or without an additional more proximal infra-inguinal revascularisation procedure to restore limb perfusion (BASIL-2): an open-label, randomised, multicentre, phase 3 trial', The Lancet, vol. 401, no. 10390, pp. 1798-1809.
GEM3 Collaborative Group 2023, 'Combination of gefitinib and methotrexate to treat tubal ectopic pregnancy (GEM3): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial', The Lancet.
Mackenzie, SC, Moakes, CA, Doust, AM, Mol, BW, Duncan, WC, Tong, S, Horne, AW & Whitaker, LHR 2023, 'Early (Days 1-4) post-treatment serum hCG level changes predict single-dose methotrexate treatment success in tubal ectopic pregnancy', Human Reproduction.
GEM3 Collaborative Group 2023, 'Gefitinib and methotrexate to resolve tubal ectopic pregnancy: the GEM3 RCT', Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation, vol. 10, no. 1.
Daley, AJ, Griffin, RA, Moakes, CA, Sanders, JP, Skrybant, M, Ives, N, Maylor, B, Greenfield, SM, Gokal, K, Parretti, HM, Biddle, SJH, Greaves, C, Maddison, R, Mutrie, N, Esliger, DW, Sherar, L, Edwardson, CL, Yates, T, Frew, E, Tearne, S & Jolly, K 2023, 'Snacktivity™ to promote physical activity and reduce future risk of disease in the population: protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial and nested qualitative study', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 45.
Mackenzie, SC, Moakes, C, Duncan, WC, Tong, S & Horne, AW 2023, 'Subsequent pregnancy outcomes among women with tubal ectopic pregnancy treated with methotrexate', Reproduction and Fertility , vol. 4, no. 2, e230019.
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