Jones, E., B. Taylor, C. MacArthur, R. Pritchett and C. Cummins (2016). "The effect of early postnatal discharge from hospital for women and infants: a systematic review protocol." Systematic Reviews 5(1): 1-7.
Farre, A. and C. Cummins (2016). "Understanding and evaluating the effects of implementing an electronic paediatric prescribing system on care provision and hospital work in paediatric hospital ward settings: a qualitatively driven mixed-method study protocol." BMJ Open 6(2).
Heath, G., H. Montgomery, C. Eyre, C. Cummins, H. Pattison and R. Shaw (2016). "Developing a Tool to Support Communication of Parental Concerns When a Child is in Hospital." Healthcare 4(1): 9.
Chen, Y. F., G. Bramley, G. Unwin, D. Hanu-Cernat, J. Dretzke, D. Moore, S. Bayliss, C. Cummins and R. Lilford (2015). "Occipital nerve stimulation for chronic migraine--a systematic review and meta-analysis." PLoS One 10(3): e0116786.
Lilford, R. J., S. L. Burn, K. D. Diaconu, P. Lilford, P. J. Chilton, V. Bion, C. Cummins and S. Manaseki-Holland (2015). "An approach to prioritization of medical devices in low-income countries: an example based on the Republic of South Sudan." Cost Eff Resour Alloc 13(1): 2.
McLeod, H., G. Heath, E. Cameron, G. Debelle and C. Cummins (2015). "Introducing consultant outpatient clinics to community settings to improve access to paediatrics: an observational impact study." BMJ Qual Saf 24(6): 377-384.
Cameron, E., G. Heath, S. Redwood, S. Greenfield, C. Cummins, D. Kelly and H. Pattison (2014). "Health care professionals' views of paediatric outpatient non-attendance: implications for general practice." Fam Pract 31(1): 111-117.
Diaconu, K., Y. F. Chen, S. Manaseki-Holland, C. Cummins and R. Lilford (2014). "Medical device procurement in low- and middle-income settings: protocol for a systematic review." Syst Rev 3: 118.
Elwell, L., J. Powell, S. Wordsworth and C. Cummins (2014). "Challenges of implementing routine health behavior change support in a children's hospital setting." Patient Educ Couns 96(1): 113-119.
Elwell, L., J. Powell, S. Wordsworth and C. Cummins (2014). "Health professional perspectives on lifestyle behaviour change in the paediatric hospital setting: a qualitative study." BMC Pediatr 14: 71.
Hacohen, Y., M. Absoud, M. Woodhall, C. Cummins, C. G. De Goede, C. Hemingway, P. E. Jardine, R. Kneen, M. G. Pike, W. P. Whitehouse, E. Wassmer, P. Waters, A. Vincent, M. Lim, Uk and C. N. S. I. D. W. G. Ireland Childhood (2014). "Autoantibody biomarkers in childhood-acquired demyelinating syndromes: results from a national surveillance cohort." J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 85(4): 456-461.
Sharma, R. A., C. Cummins and A. Crellin (2014). "Selective internal radiotherapy of the liver: at the crossroads of interventional oncology research and national health service commissioning." Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 26(12): 733-735.
Absoud, M., M. J. Lim, W. K. Chong, C. G. De Goede, K. Foster, R. Gunny, C. Hemingway, P. E. Jardine, R. Kneen, M. Likeman, K. K. Nischal, M. G. Pike, N. A. Sibtain, W. P. Whitehouse, C. Cummins, E. Wassmer, Uk and C. N. S. I. D. W. G. Ireland Childhood (2013). "Paediatric acquired demyelinating syndromes: incidence, clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features." Mult Scler 19(1): 76-86.
Wilson, M., C. L. Cummins, L. Macpherson, Y. Sun, K. Natarajan, R. G. Grundy, T. N. Arvanitis, R. A. Kauppinen and A. C. Peet (2013). "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolite profiles predict survival in paediatric brain tumours." Eur J Cancer 49(2): 457-464.
Absoud, M., M. J. Lim, K. Chong, C. G. De Goede, K. Foster, R. Gunny, C. Hemingway, P. Jardine, R. Kneen, M. Likeman, K. K. Nischal, M. G. Pike, N. A. Sibtain, W. P. Whitehouse, E. Wassmer, C. Cummins, Uk and C. N. S. I. Ireland Childhood (2012). "MRI pattern classification using cluster analysis for early prediction of multiple sclerosis in paediatric acquired demyelinating syndromes." Multiple Sclerosis Journal 18: 77-78.
Cameron, E., G. Heath, C. Cummins, S. Greenfield, S. Redwood and H. Pattison (2012). "A qualitative study of staff, stakeholder and parental perspectives of non-attendance at paediatric outpatient clinics." Psychology & Health 27: 15-15.
Hacohen, Y., M. Absoud, L. Jacobson, M. Woodhall, P. Waters, W. K. Chong, C. Cummins, C. De Goede, K. Foster, R. Gunny, C. Hemingway, P. E. Jardine, R. Kneen, M. Likeman, K. Nischal, M. G. Pike, N. Sibtain, W. Whitehouse, E. Wassmer, A. Vincent, M. Lim and U. K. I. C. CNS (2012). "Auto-antibody biomarkers in childhood-acquired demyelinating syndromes: results from a national surveillance cohort." Multiple Sclerosis Journal 18: 137-137.
Heath, G., E. Cameron, C. Cummins, S. Greenfield, H. Pattison, D. Kelly and S. Redwood (2012). "Paediatric 'care closer to home': stake-holder views and barriers to implementation." Health Place 18(5): 1068-1073.
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