Dr Carole Cummins PhD, MSc BA

Dr Carole Cummins

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Honorary Senior Lecturer

Contact details

Murray Learning Centre
Institute of Applied Health Research
College of Medical and Dental Sciences
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, B15 2TT

Carole Cummins is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Institute of Applied Health Research and Director of the Birmingham and Brunel External Assessment Centre for NICE.

Her current research includes health services research focussed on children’s healthcare as part of the NIHR Birmingham and Black Country Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care and primary and secondary research into the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventional procedures, medical devices and diagnostic tests.


  • PhD Medicine 1996
  • MSc Social Research and Social Policy 1982
  • BA Politics, Philosophy and Economics 1979


Carole Cummins obtained a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University in 1979, later followed by a MSC in Social Research and Social Policy in 1982. In 1996 she was awarded a PhD by the University of Birmingham. She has worked in Public Health, Epidemiology and Biostatics at Birmingham University and as an epidemiologist in the NHS, and has strong links with Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.


Postgraduate supervision

Carole is interested in supervising doctoral research students in the following areas:

  • Paediatric epidemiological and intervention studies
  • Service delivery research, particularly using mixed methods

If you are interested in studying any of these subject areas please contact Carole directly, or 
for any general doctoral research enquiries, please email 



Research Themes

Health services research, health technology assessment, clinical research into interventional procedures, paediatric epidemiology

Research Activity

Carole is the academic lead for the child health arm of the NIHR West Midlands CLAHRC Maternity and Child Health theme.  Research topics include the implementation of electronic prescribing in a specialist acute children’s hospital, advance care planning for children and young people, and parenting needs of families with children with life-changing hospital admissions. These research projects use quantitative, qualitative and systematic review research methods to evaluate innovative ways of delivering paediatric care for children and young people and involve working with Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

She is the Director of the Birmingham and Brunel Collaboration External assessment Centre which is commissioned by NICE to carry out health technology assessment, evidence reviews and clinical studies involving medical devices, interventional procedures and diagnostics.  This includes the SOCQER2 multicentre study of the outcomes of surgery in patients with ovarian cancer.

She is also involved in other research on related topics.


Jones, E., B. Taylor, C. MacArthur, R. Pritchett and C. Cummins (2016). "The effect of early postnatal discharge from hospital for women and infants: a systematic review protocol." Systematic Reviews 5(1): 1-7.

Farre, A. and C. Cummins (2016). "Understanding and evaluating the effects of implementing an electronic paediatric prescribing system on care provision and hospital work in paediatric hospital ward settings: a qualitatively driven mixed-method study protocol." BMJ Open 6(2).

Heath, G., H. Montgomery, C. Eyre, C. Cummins, H. Pattison and R. Shaw (2016). "Developing a Tool to Support Communication of Parental Concerns When a Child is in Hospital." Healthcare 4(1): 9.

Chen, Y. F., G. Bramley, G. Unwin, D. Hanu-Cernat, J. Dretzke, D. Moore, S. Bayliss, C. Cummins and R. Lilford (2015). "Occipital nerve stimulation for chronic migraine--a systematic review and meta-analysis." PLoS One 10(3): e0116786.

Lilford, R. J., S. L. Burn, K. D. Diaconu, P. Lilford, P. J. Chilton, V. Bion, C. Cummins and S. Manaseki-Holland (2015). "An approach to prioritization of medical devices in low-income countries: an example based on the Republic of South Sudan." Cost Eff Resour Alloc 13(1): 2.

McLeod, H., G. Heath, E. Cameron, G. Debelle and C. Cummins (2015). "Introducing consultant outpatient clinics to community settings to improve access to paediatrics: an observational impact study." BMJ Qual Saf 24(6): 377-384.

Cameron, E., G. Heath, S. Redwood, S. Greenfield, C. Cummins, D. Kelly and H. Pattison (2014). "Health care professionals' views of paediatric outpatient non-attendance: implications for general practice." Fam Pract 31(1): 111-117.

Diaconu, K., Y. F. Chen, S. Manaseki-Holland, C. Cummins and R. Lilford (2014). "Medical device procurement in low- and middle-income settings: protocol for a systematic review." Syst Rev 3: 118.

Elwell, L., J. Powell, S. Wordsworth and C. Cummins (2014). "Challenges of implementing routine health behavior change support in a children's hospital setting." Patient Educ Couns 96(1): 113-119.

Elwell, L., J. Powell, S. Wordsworth and C. Cummins (2014). "Health professional perspectives on lifestyle behaviour change in the paediatric hospital setting: a qualitative study." BMC Pediatr 14: 71.

Hacohen, Y., M. Absoud, M. Woodhall, C. Cummins, C. G. De Goede, C. Hemingway, P. E. Jardine, R. Kneen, M. G. Pike, W. P. Whitehouse, E. Wassmer, P. Waters, A. Vincent, M. Lim, Uk and C. N. S. I. D. W. G. Ireland Childhood (2014). "Autoantibody biomarkers in childhood-acquired demyelinating syndromes: results from a national surveillance cohort." J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 85(4): 456-461.

Sharma, R. A., C. Cummins and A. Crellin (2014). "Selective internal radiotherapy of the liver: at the crossroads of interventional oncology research and national health service commissioning." Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 26(12): 733-735.

Absoud, M., M. J. Lim, W. K. Chong, C. G. De Goede, K. Foster, R. Gunny, C. Hemingway, P. E. Jardine, R. Kneen, M. Likeman, K. K. Nischal, M. G. Pike, N. A. Sibtain, W. P. Whitehouse, C. Cummins, E. Wassmer, Uk and C. N. S. I. D. W. G. Ireland Childhood (2013). "Paediatric acquired demyelinating syndromes: incidence, clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features." Mult Scler 19(1): 76-86.

Wilson, M., C. L. Cummins, L. Macpherson, Y. Sun, K. Natarajan, R. G. Grundy, T. N. Arvanitis, R. A. Kauppinen and A. C. Peet (2013). "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolite profiles predict survival in paediatric brain tumours." Eur J Cancer 49(2): 457-464.

Absoud, M., M. J. Lim, K. Chong, C. G. De Goede, K. Foster, R. Gunny, C. Hemingway, P. Jardine, R. Kneen, M. Likeman, K. K. Nischal, M. G. Pike, N. A. Sibtain, W. P. Whitehouse, E. Wassmer, C. Cummins, Uk and C. N. S. I. Ireland Childhood (2012). "MRI pattern classification using cluster analysis for early prediction of multiple sclerosis in paediatric acquired demyelinating syndromes." Multiple Sclerosis Journal 18: 77-78.

Cameron, E., G. Heath, C. Cummins, S. Greenfield, S. Redwood and H. Pattison (2012). "A qualitative study of staff, stakeholder and parental perspectives of non-attendance at paediatric outpatient clinics." Psychology & Health 27: 15-15.

Hacohen, Y., M. Absoud, L. Jacobson, M. Woodhall, P. Waters, W. K. Chong, C. Cummins, C. De Goede, K. Foster, R. Gunny, C. Hemingway, P. E. Jardine, R. Kneen, M. Likeman, K. Nischal, M. G. Pike, N. Sibtain, W. Whitehouse, E. Wassmer, A. Vincent, M. Lim and U. K. I. C. CNS (2012). "Auto-antibody biomarkers in childhood-acquired demyelinating syndromes: results from a national surveillance cohort." Multiple Sclerosis Journal 18: 137-137.

Heath, G., E. Cameron, C. Cummins, S. Greenfield, H. Pattison, D. Kelly and S. Redwood (2012). "Paediatric 'care closer to home': stake-holder views and barriers to implementation." Health Place 18(5): 1068-1073.

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