Watson K, Sheldon H, Boiko O, Sevdalis N. et al. (2024) Remote monitoring of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a mixed methods evaluation across six hospitals in London, UK. Rheumatology. Feb 24:keae112.
Sanderson M, Allen P, Osipovic D, Petsoulas C, Boiko O, Lorne K (2023) Developing architecture of system management in the English NHS: evidence from a qualitative study of three Integrated Care Systems. BMJ Open, 13 (2) e065993
Sheldon H, Boiko O, Martin M, Demetriou L, Watson K. et al. (2022) Evaluation of the scale up of remote monitoring in rheumatology outpatients across three NHS Trusts in South East London, UK: study protocol. Research Square. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1195041/v1.
Boiko O., Edwards M., Miles S, Zchaler S, Rafferty AM. (2021) Interprofessional deficits in patient flow management: an interview study of the views of Emergency Department staff involved in patient admissions. Journal of Interprofessional care. May-Jun;35(3):334-342.
Boiko O, Allen P, Osipovic D, Sanderson M, Checkland K. (2020) NHS procurement and the origins of the NHS PPE crisis. British Journal of Healthcare Management 16 (9).
Boiko O, Burgess C, Fox R, Ashworth M, Gulliford M. et al (2020) Risks of use and non-use of antibiotics in primary care. Qualitative study of prescribers' views. BMJ Open 10(10):e038851.
Boiko O, Burgess C, Gulliford M. (2020) Revisiting patient expectations and experiences of antibiotics in an era of antimicrobial resistance: Qualitative study. Health Expectations. 23(5): 1250–1258.
Sharma S, Boiko O, Rafferty AM. (2020) The role and contribution of nurses to patient flow management in acute hospitals: a systematic review of mixed methods studies. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Oct:110:103709.
Gulliford M, Sun X, Charlton J, Winter J, Bunce C, Boiko O, Fox R, Little P, Moore M, Hay A, Ashworth M. (2020) Serious bacterial infections and antibiotic prescribing in primary care: cohort study using electronic health records in the UK. BMJ Open V.10, issue 2.
Halter, M., Boiko, O., Pelone, F., Beignton, C., Harris, R., Gale, J., Gourlay, S., Drennan, V. (2017) The determinants and consequences of adult nursing staff turnover: a systematic review of systematic reviews. BMC Health Services Research. 17:824.
Halter, M., Pelone, F., Boiko, O., Beignton, C., Harris, R., Gale, J., Gourlay, S., Drennan, V. (2017) Interventions to reduce adult nursing turnover: a systematic review of systematic reviews. The Open Nursing Journal. 11: 108-123.
De Raeve P, Rafferty AM, Bariball L, Young R, Boiko O. (2017) EU accession: A policy window opportunity for nursing? Health Policy. 121(3): 292-299
Farrington C, Burt J, Boiko O, Campbell J, Roland M. (2016) Doctors’ engagement with patient experience surveys in primary and secondary care: a qualitative study. Health Expectations. 20: 385–394.
Boiko O, Campbell J, Elmore N, Davey A, Roland M and Burt J. (2015) The role of patient experience surveys in quality assurance and improvement: a focus group study in English general practice. Health Expectations. 18 (6): 1982-1994.
Maramba I, Davey A, Elliott M, Roberts M, Roland M, Brown F, Burt J, Boiko O, Campbell J. (2015) Web-based textual analysis of free-text patient experience comments form a survey in primary care JMIR Medical Informatics. Vol 3(2): 1-12.
Boiko O, Sheaff R, Child S and Gericke C. (2014) Risk, dangers and competing clinical decisions on venous thromboembolism in hospital in-patients.Sociology of Health and Illness. Vol 36(6): 932-947.
Bateman A, Sheaff R, Child S, Boiko O, Ukoumunne O, Nokes T, Copplestone A, and Gericke C. (2013) The implementation of nice guidance on venous thromboembolism risk assessment and prophylaxis: a before-after observational study to assess the impact on patient safety across four hospitals in England. BMC Health Services Research, 13: 203.
Child S, Sheaff R, Boiko O, Bateman A, Gericke C. (2013) Has incentive payment improved venous thrombo-embolism risk assessment and treatment of hospital in-patients. F1000 Research. http://f1000r.es/8k.
Gibson BJ., Boiko, O. (2012) The experience of health and illness: polycontextural meaning and accounts of illness. Social Theory & Health 10 (2), 156-187.
Bateman, AG., Sheaff, R., Child, S., Boiko, O., Ukoumunne, O., CA Gericke. (2011) The impact of the implementation of NICE guidance on Venous Thromboembolism risk assessment and patient safety across four hospitals in England. Value in Health, 15 (7), A535.
Boiko OV, Robinson PG, Ward PR and Gibson BJ (2011) Form and semantics of communication in dental encounters: oral health, probability and time. Sociology of Health and Illness. Vol 33(1): 17-32.
Child, S., Boiko, O., Sheaff, R., Nokes, T., Copplestone A. (2011) Implementing models of care to prevent venous thromboembolism in hospital in-patients: which is the best method? British Journal of Haematology, 153, 88.
Gibson, B., Boiko, OV., Robinson, P., Barlow, A., Player, T., Locker, D. (2010) The everyday impact of dentine sensitivity: personal and functional aspects. Social Science and Dentistry, 1(1), 11-20.
Boiko, O. (2010) Dentist-patient communication: how do the models correspond? Social Science and Dentistry. Vol 1 (2): 57-67.
Boiko OV, Baker SR, Gibson BJ, Locker D, Sufi F, Barlow A and Robinson PG. (2010) Construction and validation of the quality of life measure for dentine hypersensitivity (DHEQ).Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Vol 37(11): 973-980.
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