Dr Ridhi Agarwal PhD, MSc, BSc

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Medical statistician

Contact details

Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Ridhi is a medical statistician based in the Test Evaluation Research Group (TERG) within the Biostatistics, Evidence Synthesis and Test Evaluation (BESaTE) research group. Her main interests are in risk prediction modelling and evaluating the accuracy of medical tests in clinical trial setting. Ridhi also works on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy and prognostic factors.


  • Royal Statistical Society Graduate Statistician, 2020
  • PhD in Health Sciences, University of Leicester, 2019
  • MSc in Medical Statistics, University of Leicester, 2014
  • BSc in Mathematics, University of Keele, 2013


Ridhi qualified with an MSc in Medical Statistics and a PhD entitled ‘Continuous and real-time 

monitoring of stillbirths and neonatal deaths in the UK and Crown Dependencies’ from the University of Leicester. She began working in the Test Evaluation Research Group at the University of Birmingham as a Research Fellow in June 2019.

Ridhi is involved in many applied heath research projects related to the evaluation of medical tests and development and validation of risk prediction models for diagnosis. She also works on Cochrane systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy and prognostic factors, covering a variety of healthcare topics.

Ridhi has joined the West Midlands Research Design Service (RDS) as a statical advisor and reviews applications for ethical review as a member of the STEM Ethics Review Committee. 


  • Public Health MPH — Epidemiology, Statistics and Research Methods (ESRM), Practical Epidemiology and Statistics (PEaS), and Advanced Statistical Methods.
  • Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) — Medical Statistics module.

Postgraduate supervision

Ridhi is interested in supervising MSc and PhD students evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of medical tests and systematic reviews and meta-analyses of tests.


Ridhi works on a range of applied health research projects, including:

  • ATHENA - OpticAl Coherence TomograpHy Angiography for the dEtection of Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration: a comprehensive diagnostic accuracy study that aims to evaluate whether optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) used alongside optical coherence tomography (OCT) is just as good at diagnosing neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) as the OCT scan used with fluorescein angiography (FA).
  • PRIME - Prostate Imaging using MRI +/- contrast Enhancement aims to assess whether biparametric MRI (bpMRI) is as good as multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer.
  • PRiMUS - Primary Care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men aims to develop a diagnostic aid based on symptoms, signs, patient characteristics and primary care based clinical tests that can indicate likely urodynamic diagnosis.
  • ROCkeTS - Refining Ovarian Cancer Test Accuracy Scores is a diagnostic test accuracy study that aims to identify, refine and validate tests and clinical risk scores (risk prediction models) that estimate the probability of having ovarian cancer in post and premenopausal women with symptoms.

Other activities

Ridhi is a STEM ambassador for STEM Learning.