During your first week at University you will meet your personal tutor who will work closely with you throughout your programme to support your development and track your academic progress. In your first year, you will see your tutor every fortnight either in a small group with other students to discuss an aspect of teaching or research, or individually to review your personal progress.
In addition to this, we offer another layer of support in the form of year tutors who offer advice and support to student groups who wish to bring generic issues to the attention of teaching staff. This system ensures we are able to be very responsive to student concerns.
The University has an extensive student support system which is organised within the School by two welfare tutors. Together with your personal tutor, welfare tutors are a key point of contact if you experience personal difficulties during your studies. If you choose to stay in the university’s student accommodation in your first year, you will be given a student mentor to help you settle in and guide you through living away from home.