Participate in the study: Healthcare providers and stakeholders

We are looking for people to take part in a group discussion about fatigue after stroke. We want to hear current care pathways, barriers to fatigue management and implementation challenges. 


Who can take part? 

  • Healthcare providers from primary, secondary and community care

  • Stroke service managers

  • Commissioners

  • Other stakeholder with expertise relevant to stroke or fatigue

What would taking part involve?

  • Attend a focus group session with around 6-8 other people  
  • We will ask questions about your experience of fatigue and how care could be improved. 
  • If you can’t attend a group meeting, you could take part in a one-to-one interview. 

How long would the session take?

Around 60 minutes in total.

Where will the session take place?


  • Online 

  • In person at different community locations across England 

When will the sessions take place?

We will be holding focus groups between May to July 2024. 

Contact Us

If you are interested in taking part or would like more information, please contact the study team (details below) or complete this Expression of Interest form.

Dr Grace Turner 

Phone: +447483342912 

Please note, places are limited so it may not be possible for everyone who expresses an interest to participate. 

More information 

Taking part is completely optional. To find our more, read the below information sheet which explains why the study is being conducted and how you can help. 

Information Sheet.