Welcome Re-Course: Supporting the Inclusion of Refugee, Migrant and International Students

This collaborative project by a well-established network of researchers, students and teachers across five EUniWell Universities and KNU will inform inclusive research, pedagogy and practice around the welcome and inclusion of students from refugee, migrant and international backgrounds, supporting EUniWell‘s core mission to improve well-being within universities and society. 


Creative, participatory consultations across five EUniWell universities and KNU will be held to co-develop and pilot an evidence-based, interactive online module on the experiences of refugee, migrants and international students, alongside in-person inclusion initiatives to support EUniWell‘s mission to improve well-being within universities and society.

The project lead is Dr Jennifer Allsopp

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Outputs and impact

The main deliverable will be an online module on the experiences of refugee, migrant and international students, different cultures of welcome and how to support such students in higher education institutions. This module will be based on qualitative research carried out by each institution.  

As well as providing impact in terms of the people taking the module, the process of module creation will inspire and empower student and staff experts and create material for academic reflection that will feed into research and policy on coproduction and decolonial pedagogies in European higher education. 

Research team

  • Dr Jennifer Allsopp, University of Birmingham, PI
  • Koreana Ko, University of Birmingham, Co-I
  • Danielle Heslin-Hill, University of Birmingham, Co-I

Partner organisations and sponsors

  • Elin Lindkvist, Linnaeus University
  • Eleonor Marcussen, Linnaeus University
  • Isabelle Nocus, Nantes University
  • Stephanie Lambert, Nantes University  
  • Sophie Le Gal, Nantes University     
  • Ines Maksud, Nantes University        
  • Marcos Alonso Bote Diaz, Murcia University
  • Matteo Pulliti, University of Florence             
  • Nicole Ventisette, University of Florence