Mrs Kay Logan

Health Services Management Centre
Tutor on the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society, HSMC
Park House
University of Birmingham
B15 2RT, United Kingdom

Kay has developed a professional and academic interest in leadership over her career and is currently studying for a PhD in leadership ethics with voluntary sector leaders. 

She has been a tutor on the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme since 2015 and enjoys working with NHS participants on their learning and development journeys. Kay has a clinical background (orthopaedic nursing) and has worked locally as an Assistant Director for NHS Sheffield and nationally for the NHS Modernisation Agency and Performance Support Team.  Kay was a trustee for Endometriosis UK, after being diagnosed with severe endometriosis and worked with the Royal College of Nursing in developing the role of the Endometriosis Nurse Specialist.


  • Master of Arts Leading Innovation and Change
  • Postgraduate Diploma Leadership Coaching
  • Postgraduate Diploma Education
  • Diploma in Nursing Studies (Adult).


Kay has been a tutor on the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme since 2015 and prior to that a tutor on the Mary Seacole Programme (PG Cert).  Kay particularly enjoys working with NHS participants over time as they develop compassionate leadership through learning, development and application of learning in the work place.  

Kay is studying for a PhD in leadership ethics with the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership, part of the Faculty of Business and Law at the Open University.  Kay has been following voluntary sector leaders for the last two years, as part of leadership learning clubs.  This has included learning clubs in England, Scotland, Europe and Africa.  Current focus is around the impact of Covid-19 on the voluntary sector, through a care ethics lens and developing leadership practice in the voluntary sector. 

Kay worked for the NHS for twenty years; clinically as an orthopaedic nurse, then moved into service improvement.  Kay worked as an Associate Consultant for the NHS Modernisation Agency and then for the NHS Performance Support team, who were tasked by Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit to work with some of the most challenged acute hospitals in England.  Kay’s most recent NHS role was as Assistant Director for NHS Sheffield, the forerunner to Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group, and was responsible for the development of practice based commissioning