Forthcoming events In 'PTR events' Philosophy of Afterlife WorkshopForthcoming events Back to 'Philosophy, Theology and Religion' Philosophy and Conspiracy Theories Date17/03/2025DescriptionPhilosophy and Conspiracy Theories Part of a new series of UoB #PhilosophyMatters webinars on the importance of Philosophy supported by The Royal Institute of Philosophy Philosophy Everywhere Date19/03/2025DescriptionPhilosophy Everywhere - Part of a new series of UoB #PhilosophyMatters webinars on the importance of Philosophy supported by The Royal Institute of Philosophy Philosophy in the Classroom Date25/03/2025DescriptionPart of a new series of UoB #PhilosophyMatters webinars on the importance of Philosophy supported by The Royal Institute of Philosophy Philosophy and Mental Health Date26/03/2025DescriptionPhilosophy and Mental Health Part of a new series of UoB #PhilosophyMatters webinars on the importance of Philosophy supported by The Royal Institute of Philosophy International Association for the Psychology of Religion Conference 2025 Date19 - 22/08/2025DescriptionCall for papers. Conference theme: Highlighting the cross-disciplinarity of the psychology of religion Displaying 1 to 5 of 5