Eleanor Vivian

Photo of Eleanor Vivian

Department of Theology and Religion
Doctoral researcher

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PhD title: The Function of Metaphor in the Depictions of Disability in the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Supervisors: Professor Charlotte Hempel, Professor Candida Moss and Professor Jeannette Littlemore
PhD Theology and Religion

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  • BA Theology and Religion – University of Oxford (First Class)
  • MPhil Theology: Hebrew Bible – University of Oxford (Distinction)


My AHRC (Midlands4Cities) funded PhD project investigates how metaphorical language is used to both describe and conceptualise disabled bodies in the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The aim of my research is to expose the ways in which ancient authors and their communities considered and constructed boundaries, identities, and values in terms of bodily difference.