The Cadbury Lectures 2013: Religion out of the box Dialogues with academy, society and culture

22 January - 19 March 2013

The Edward Cadbury Lectures come from an endowment from the Cadbury Family to the University of Birmingham for an annual series of lectures open to the public on the history, theology and culture of Christianity.

The first Cadbury Lectures were delivered in 1948 by the historian Arnold Toynbee, followed by a succession of eminent scholars from around the world.

Our theme for 2013 is Religion out of the box: Dialogues with academy, society and culture, and will consist of a series of weekly events as follows:

  • January 22 2013
    Professor Gordon Lynch (University of Kent)
    Notes on a scandal: the persistence of the sacred and the profane in the modern world
  • January 29 2013
    Professor Mark Goodacre (Duke University)
    Myths of Mary and the married Jesus: how popular culture is affecting scholarship
    Abstract   *Watch the lecture
  • February 5 2013
    Professor John Milbank (University of Nottingham)
    Which West should we defend? The crisis of Theology and the crisis of the University
  • February 12 2013
    Professor Judith Lieu (University of Cambridge)
    Hearing texts and reading voices: on the redrawing of early Christianity
  • February 26 2013
    Dr Ataullah Siddiqui (Markfield Institute of Higher Education)
    'Read! in the name of thy Lord': vision and vocation of the Word
  • March 5 2013
    Professor Gavin D'Costa (University of Bristol)
    Distinctive voices require distinctive universities. The case for theology and a Christian university
  • Mar 19 2013
    Professor David Ford (University of Cambridge)
    Questions between religions: deep reasonings, no map