Facilities and resources
Our extensive facilities include laboratories specially equipped for work in cognition, memory, psychophysics, visual perception, auditory perception, language production, reading, human motor performance, cognitive neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, food, drink and nutritional psychology, physiological psychology, psychopharmacology, social psychology, and developmental psychology. We have research dedicated brain imaging facilities (eg, MRI, TMS, EEG). There are dedicated brain imaging workstations for work in perception and cognitive science, including a computational modelling and brain analysis suite.
Extensive links
There are excellent research opportunities provided by our links with local hospitals, prisons and clinics, local schools and nurseries, other University departments, industrial companies, and departments of local and national government – both in the UK and overseas. Psychology is a major partner in the West Midlands Stroke Research Network and provides access to a large pool of screened neuropsychological patients.