Ninja Katja Horr

Ninja Katja Horr

School of Psychology
Doctoral Researcher

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School of Psychology
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Title of PhD: Temporal Characteristics of Audiovisual Integration

Supervisors: Dr Massimiliano Di Luca

Ninja Katja Horr is undertaking her doctoral research into the temporal characteristics of audiovisual perception. Using psychophysics, computational modeling and EEG she investigates how the brain integrates information from different perceptual streams and accumulates those over time.

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B.Sc. Psychology, University of Heidelberg
M.Sc. Neuroscience, International Max Planck Research School


Ninja Katja Horr has conducted her undergraduate studies in Psychology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. She received her Masters Degree in Neural and Behavioural Sciences from the International Max Planck Research School in Tuebingen, Germany. In Tuebingen she has worked under the supervision of Dr Kirsten Volz and Professor Christoph Braun in the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience investigating temporal dynamics of intuitive judgements with MEG. She furthermore has worked in the research group of Professor Boris Kotchoubey at the Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology on the development of an EEG-based paradigm to assess cognitive functions in low- and non-responsive patients.


Research interests

Ninja Katja Horr’s research interests focus on neural mechanism of human perception. She is interested in the question of how the brain is able to create a coherent representation of the world from multiple on the first glance unconnected sensory input signals, especially the role of temporal information in this integration process.


Horr, N. K., Di Luca, M (2015). Filling the blanks in temporal intervals: The type of filling influences perceived duration and discrimination performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 114.

Horr, N. K., Di Luca, M. (2015). Taking a long look at isochrony: Perceived duration increases with temporal, but not stimulus regularity. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77, 592-602.

Horr, N. K., Braun, C., & Volz, K. G. (2014). Feeling before Knowing Why: The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in intuitive judgments – an MEG study. Journal of Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, 1271-1285.