Below are titles of MSc dissertations completed by students on the MSc Psychology, MSc Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience, and MSc Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics.
- The effects of language experience, modality, and depth of processing on word memory.
- Investigating the role of reading and empathy on Theory of Mind.
- Will being exposed to post-meal distraction increase later snack intake?
- A cross-cultural investigation: the mediation of race and age in the gaze cue effect.
- Documenting sexual and gender-based violence in Kenya: Evaluating the efficacy of an innovative training package in improving lay people’s adherence to best-practice interviewing.
- A British understanding of racialised gaze cueing with the context of implicit racial bias, explicit racial identity, and self-esteem.
- An experimental investigation of online and behaviourally informed interview tools to preserve the accuracy of eyewitness memory recall over time.
- Co-occurring psychotic and eating disorders: a UK population-based study
- Intuitive Alignment of Mindreading in Visual and Verbal Coordination Games: A MixedMethods Approach to Reasoning.
- The effects of text alignment on users’ visual attention to banner ads: An eye-tracking study
MSc Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience
- Functional architecture in resting-state associated with fluid intelligence among olderadults.
- Regional hemispheric alpha power fluctuation correlates with congruency during complex audiovisual stimuli.
- Examining the relationship between poor sleep, frontoparietal white matter, and sustained attention in older adults using diffusion tractography.
- The role of social defeat in neurological differences in psychotic patients.
- Brain state dynamics in ADHD: intrinsic functional connectivity alterations associated with adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
- Hidden brain state dynamics fluctuates within a day.
- Investigating how age-related changes to grey and white matter influence self-related processing.
- Associations between Intrinsic Connectivity Networks and trait impulsivity in a healthy Japanese community population.
- The role of the medial prefrontal cortex In self-benefitting and prosocial behaviours.
MSc Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics
- Proof of Concept: Utilizing EEG and fNIRS to create a hybrid BCI device for hardware motor-imagery control.
- Can’t say what you see? Developing a visual acuity test using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation and EEG.
- Using drift diffusion models to investigate the attentional and perceptual differences in participants with autistic traits in simple reaction time tasks.
- Pipeline for snatch analysis and modelling using world championship data and markerless pose tracking.
- Accounting and removing confounding signals improve prediction of functional activation using machine learning and optical neuroimaging.
- Computational modelling of search guidance by irrelevant features coincident with multiple items using the Choice of Reaching LEGO robot.
- An ERP study of hyperexcitation to pattern glare in the DC shift period, characterizing habituation and sensitization effects.
- Inference of the connection between subjective tactile evaluation and preference for surfaces.
- Mechanism and Manifestation of Tremor: Is oscillatory input necessary for tremor generation for Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor?