
As a School of Psychology, we are committed to embedding sustainable practices in all our activities, from our teaching provision to our research and in our day-to-day working practices, policies, and procedures. Sustainable practices are ways of working that allow us to meet our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

In the context of psychology, sustainability means considering the impact of our actions on both the environment and society. This includes utilizing natural resources efficiently, promoting mental and social well-being, and fostering economic stability. Our approach to sustainability involves integrating these principles into our curriculum, research initiatives, and community engagements, ensuring that our work supports not only the current generation but also those to come. 

We aim to create a learning environment that encourages students and staff to think critically about sustainability and apply these principles in their professional and personal lives. By doing so, we strive to contribute to a healthier, more sustainable world, both psychologically and environmentally. 

We have an active Green Impact Team composed of staff and students; new members are always welcome. Sign up online