Prescribing is one of the key education and research streams at the School of Pharmacy. We have over 10 years’ experience of delivering high quality postgraduate multidisciplinary education in prescribing, alongside our research in the safety of medicines. You can study formal qualifications enabling you to become a registered independent prescriber, or you may already have access to our learning materials which we provide to UK NHS professionals through our online HEE-funded Script Programme.
Independent Prescribing Course
The School of Pharmacy offers a multi-disciplinary post-graduate independent prescribing programme. The course is designed around the core principles of safe and effective prescribing practice for application across therapeutic areas and clinical specialities in a variety of settings. You will study with pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, nurses, midwives, paramedics and therapeutic radiographers to prepare you to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
Learn more about the Independent Prescribing Course

Since 2011 the School of Pharmacy has run an online educational programme to encourage safe and effective prescribing and medicines management. SCRIPT is an award winning free educational programme for all NHS staff and all UK Higher Education Establishments involved in undergraduate teaching of healthcare professionals.
Learn more about SCRIPT