SGO Adoption Study
Involving special guardians and adoptive parents in improving safeguarding outcomes for children
We want to improve the outcomes for special guardianship and adopted children
We need your help
Who can help us?
You can help if you are a special guardian or adoptive parent with recent experience of a statutory safeguarding intervention from children’s social care for your child (child protection or child in need plan, voluntary accommodation or taken into Care); with no ongoing investigation
What can you help with?
We would love to hear your story. You can tell us in a confidential, online/telephone chat (interview) between you and Christine (the researcher). You will receive a voucher for taking part
Why is this important?
Many children experienced some form of neglect and/or abuse prior to SGO/adoption and their new families are likely to need support to help them
We would like to know if you needed support and/or what led to a statutory safeguarding intervention from children’s social care for your child
To get things to change, we would like to describe your experiences in a report, with recommendations based on what you tell us, to improve support for all special guardians/adoptive parents and their children
If you would like an informal chat to see if this is right for you, or to let us know you are interested in taking part, please get in touch with Christine (Dr Chrisine Christie) by telephone, text or WhatsApp – 07841 054 204 or email: