Clinical teaching and learning experiences take place within our NHS Trust Teaching Academies. Students are assigned placements in 15 hospitals (13 Teaching Academies, 4 of which are “Specialty Academies”) and over 150 General Practices (grouped in a single Teaching Academy) around the West Midlands.
Each Academy provides a slightly different experience by virtue of different location, catchment population, specialty mix etc. but the overall clinical experience gained across the programme will be comprehensive and similar for all students by rotation between Academies.
Each Academy is headed by a senior Consultant with extensive experience in teaching undergraduates; he/she is supported by a team of Senior Academy Tutors (who supervise the professional development and overall learning experience of small groups of students, meeting with their students on a weekly basis) and Senior Academy Teachers who are responsible for delivery and content of the clinical curriculum within the Academy.
Placements are worked out in order to ensure that students gain an equitable experience and travel similar distances over the entire course; in the event of special circumstances such as health or domestic issues, placements can be adjusted to accommodate student need.