The key timetable of events leading up to you going on your Year Abroad is as follows:
Year 1 - Exam Term - Preliminary Meeting - a general introduction to the Year Abroad, and to invite you to begin to do some research about where you might like to go in preparation for the decisions you have to take in the first semester of your second year.
Year 2 - Semester 1 - Presentation from a member of the International Office about the process of selection and general advice about the Year Abroad. You will also attend an Individual Tutorial Meeting to speak with your tutor. You will then submit your Year Abroad Application to the International Office for International Exchanges.
Year 2 - Exam Term / Summer Vacation - Before you leave to begin your year abroad, you will be asked to complete and submit a Year Abroad Learning Agreement, which lists the modules you will register for and which have been agreed by the host university.