Rosie Tee feat. Sekine Quartet

The Dome - Bramall Music Building
Friday 18 October 2024 (19:30-21:30)

£5-£8 (+ booking fee)

*Tickets go on sale August 1st*

Rosie Tee

Technicolour, retro-futuristic pop conjurer is the guise of Birmingham multi-instrumentalist, composer, and performer Rosie Tee. Drawing on her Polish roots and folk music past, she crafts other-worldly songs from fragments of electronica, jazz, psych, and avant-pop.

The band will be performing music from Tee's mini-album, Night Creature with added strings, the first release on her own Kikimora Records; a DIY, female-led label championing the irregular.

University of Birmingham graduate Molly Bethan provides support with her band.

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