Visualising Sound 1: Art and Music Workshop Day

Barber Concert Hall - Barber Institute of Fine Arts
Friday 12 February 2016 (09:30-16:30)
Photograph of Jack McNeill
Photograph of Jack McNeill
  • CrossCurrents Festival
    Festival programme

Anthony Robb flute
Jack McNeill clarinet
Jeremy Clay workshop leader

Join Jeremy Clay and two professional musicians in the Barber Gallery to create new musical interpretations of works of art by Dahl, Strozzi and Auerbach. Our musicians will explore sounds and techniques to help participants create their own music with graphic interpretations of art that will then be performed in a Sound Tour around the gallery. This workshop includes the lunchtime concert given by the Hermes Ensemble, which also features flute and clarinet, to help spark your imaginations. No musical or artist knowledge is required. Open to adults only. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Please bring your own lunch.

To book a place please email or call +44 (0)121 414 2261.

Venue: Barber Concert Hall

Admission: Free