Studio 4 is one of the five multichannel studios available for postgraduate students. It use a 5.1 speaker configuration.
The studio is based on an Apple Mac Xeon computer with a MOTU 896HD audio interface.
The main audio monitoring is provided by high-quality active Genelec 8030A speakers, and a Genelec subwoofer.
Bespoke acoustic treatment and design by Acoustic Dimensions, including room within room architecture, provides a quiet environment.
See also the software page.
Hardware includes:
- Apple Mac Pro (Intel Xeon E5) computer
- Apple Thunderbolt Display 27”
- 2x 20" Apple TFT video displays
- MOTU 896 audio interface
- Genelec 8030A monitor speakers
- Genelec 7050B sub-woofer
- DACS multi-channel volume control
- DAT recorder