What level am I?


If you have never studied the language before, apply to join a Level 1 class. If you have studied the language before and you are not quite sure which level to join:

  • Check the ‘General Overview of Language levels’. It will help you determine which level to choose from, depending on previous qualifications (GCSE, A-level, CEFR levels). 
  • If you are still undecided, you can look at the ‘What level am I?’ section.
  • Still in doubt? Complete a placement test – the link to the page is available below.


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General Overview of Language Levels

IWLP Levels

GradeSuitable for students who have…Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)

Level 1

Suitable for students who have…

No previous knowledge

Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)



Level 2
Near Beginner

Suitable for students who have…

Previous Level 1; 50 hours tuition

or rusty GCSE

or lower A1 study

Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)



Level 3
Lower Intermediate

Suitable for students who have…

Previous Level 2; 100 hours tuition


or completed A1 level

Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)



Level 4

Suitable for students who have…

Previous Level 3

or good GCSE

or lower A2 study

Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)



Level 5
Higher Intermediate

Suitable for students who have…

Previous Level 4

or GCSE plus 1 year

or completed A2 level

Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)



Level 6

Suitable for students who have…

Previous Level 5

or recent A level

or lower B1 level study

Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)



Level 7
Post Advanced

Suitable for students who have…

Previous Level 6

or post A-level study

or completed B1 level

Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)

B2.1 working towards C1 in certain skills


Level 8 

Suitable for students who have… 

Previous Level 7

or HE level study

or lower B2 to C1 study
Level you will achieve at the end of the course (in accordance with Common European Framework)

B2.2/C1 in certain skills


What level am I?

 If you can:

Listening Speaking Reading Writing Functions Level
Understand isolated words/simple utterances Produce isolated words Recognise isolated words Write some isolated words but not connected sentences Say nothing or just Hello/Goodbye/Thanks Go to Level 1
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Functions Level
Understand simple utterances on routine topics Respond to simple utterances but are unable to continue Understand key words and headings but not the overall gist of long texts Write simple notes and complete personal information on forms Introduce yourself, other persons, places and things/ask questions about other persons, places and things/get information about accommodation/ book in/give and ask ages, times, days months, seasons, dates, telephone numbers/ask for and give directions/order drinks and snacks/accept and refuse offers Go to Level 2
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Functions Level
Understand speech on routine topics at reduced speed Respond to utterances on routine topics at reduced speed Read and understand instructions, notices and signs and the overall gist of short texts Write simple sentences and produce short texts Say more about yourself and others/understand simple notices, timetables, when something is going to happen/say how you feel, ask for common medicines/train, air travel and reservations, travel by car/likes and dislikes/wants, desires and intentions/talk about daily routine, hobbies/talk about the weather Go to Level 3
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Functions Level
Follow speech on routine topics at normal speed Converse on routine topics at normal speed Read and understand the gist of short texts of general interest Write postcards and short letters on given topics Describe people and their character/talk about where you live (home & town), future plans and hopes, what happened in the past/buying clothes/describe things, what they are made of/how to tell people what to do/say what is wrong with you Go to Level 4
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Functions Level
Follow speech at normal speed on topics you have studied React and ask for clarification in conversation on an established topic Read and understand general interest short texts Write informal letters and short essays Talk about summer and winter holidays (past and future), places you want to visit/talk about food and drinks, understand recipes, order meals/express tastes and preferences/talk about what you would do if.../make comparisons/get somebody to do something/state opinions Go to Level 5
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Functions Level
Understand a native speaker talking at normal speed Make some contribution to a conversation between two natives Read and understand the greater part of a general interest text Write formal and informal letters and essays, which may contain inaccuracies Talk about past, present, future/ make hypothesis /express obligation, necessity/express doubt and uncertainties/give opinions /agree, disagree/argue/make suggestions/understand and give instructions/express your emotions/seek and give advice Go to Level 6
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Functions Level
Understand most points of a natural conversation between two natives Maintain a conversation, speaking at a natural speed with few inaccuracies Read and understand most texts of general interest with only a limited reference to a dictionary Write formal and informal letters and essays with very few inaccuracies Report what someone says/tell a story/summarise/criticise/talk about causes and consequences/construct convincing arguments Go to Level 7
Listening Speaking Reading Writing Functions Level
Follow a natural conversation between two natives with ease Maintain a conversation at near-native speed with very few impediments Read and understand more or less all points of a general text without any help Write essays, reports and summaries with some guidance Participate fully in lengthy and detailed discussions on unpredictable general topics/ prepare a short presentation on topics of special interest/write freely and at length/construct convincing arguments Go to Level 8 

Link to placement tests

There are placement tests for Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. These are designed to help you decide which level is best for you.