The Birmingham Dante Alighieri Society (widely known as ‘The Dante’) is one of the oldest campus-based societies in continuous operation and its membership reaches out across the whole regional community. The Society runs a packed programme of talks, musical events and more informal gatherings on Italian culture that members, friends and students are most welcome to attend.
Programme 2016
Wednesday February 17
Paola Olivetti
La canzone del migrante
Arts Building Lecture Room 1, 17:30
Thursday March 10
Paola Cori
Book launch: Ten Steps: Critical Inquiries on Leopardi
Ashley Building 322 (TBC), 17:30
Wednesday May 11
Maria Rosa Giacon
D’annunzio: the language of performance (tentative title)
Ashley Building 322 (TBC), 17:30
Thursday November 10 (TBC)
Martin Killeen
Ariosto in the Special Collection
Muirhead Tower, Cadbury Special Collection
Wednesday December 7
Remembering Eco
Film Projection and presentation
(Title, venue and speaker TBC), 17:30
For further information please contact Paolo De Ventura:
To be included in the mailing-list, please contact the Membership Secretary, Mrs. Rosalia Beccarelli (; to support the Society, please contact the Treasurer, Professor Arrigo Subiotto (