Yordanka Dimcheva

Yordanka Dimcheva

Department of Modern Languages
Doctoral researcher

Contact details

PhD title: Urban Terrorism in France (2015-2020): Trauma, Memory and the Transmission of Affect
Supervisors: Dr Katharina Karcher and Dr Elliot Evans


  • MRes Security, Conflict and Human Rights, University of Bath
  • Master’s International Politics, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, France
  • BScEcon Politics (Double Degree programme), Cardiff University and Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, France


  • I am the module lead for the PG course Reading French for Researchers.
  • I am also a PG Tutor for the College of Arts and Law Academic Writing Advisory Service (AWAS).


My research focuses on the affective experiences of the recent terrorist attacks in France and the embodied forms of their remembrance. My project aims at offering an analysis of the impact of terrorist violence upon French residents in a manner which highlights the complexity of the relationship between trauma, memory, and affect. The study uses qualitative methods and draws on theoretical and methodological insights from trauma studies, anthropology and critical security studies.

Other activities

  •  As part of the Urban Terrorism in Europe (UrbTerr) team, I took active role in organising the 14-16 September 2022 Conference: Remembering/Imagining Terror in Europe where I also presented my paper 'Shores of Grief: Intersections in Remembrance and Narrative in the Aftermath of the Nice 2016 Terrorist Attack'.
  • In 2021, I was part of the BEAR PGR Conference Committee where I helped organise the annual conference and also presented on the topic of 'Urban Terrorism in France: A Case Study of the Nice Terrorist Attack 2016'.
  • I hold an Advance HE Associate Fellowship.


Geerts, E., Karcher, K., Dimcheva, Y. & Toribio Medina, M. 2022. (Submitted). European urban (counter-)terrorism’s spacetimematterings: More-than-human materialisations in situationscaping times. Contemporary Reflections on Critical Terrorism Studies. Martini, A. (ed.). Routledge.