BRIHC Self/Personhood/Ego-History seminar series


If you were to ask most people what they think academics in the School of History and Cultures do all day they would probably suggest that those who devote their lives to the study of past societies and contemporary culture as being focused upon the kind of great events that you learn about at school. And a lot of this does go on, the question is though, one of how you situate the outlook, experience and beliefs of all the individual people across time and space, who just as we do today, spend their lives floating in the stream of historical circumstance.

This is where the academics in our school begin to turn to questions of personality and how people fashion their sense of self. Studying the historical construction of self is a fascinating and rapidly expanding field of study across the realm of historical and anthropological study. To celebrate it as a topic of research and spark new thinking and conversations across the field; BRIHC’s 2017 Autumn series of speaker events and workshops presents exciting work being done in the field of Self/Personhood/Ego-History - at Birmingham and beyond in a manner that should delight specialists and non-specialists alike.

All seminars are free and booking is not required. Please note the different times and rooms for the events.

Forthcoming seminars

The seminar series has finished for the current academic session.