Emerson Abraham Jackson BSc, MSc, PGCE

Emerson Abraham Jackson

Department of African Studies and Anthropology
Doctoral researcher

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PhD title: Researching Livelihoods in Goderich Village, Sierra Leone
Supervisor: Dr Reginald Cline-Cole
PhD African Studies [Sustainable Development]

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  • BSc (Hon) Econs – Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone
  • MSc (Research Methods in the Social Science) - London South Bank University
  • PGCE (Further and Higher Education) - University of Sussex                                     
  • Certificate in Applied Theology - University of Birmingham
  • PhD Candidate – Livelihood Diversification Research (Expected completion date: 2022) - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.

In addition to the above qualifications, I have also gained various specialist certification training in the following areas:

  • Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Transmission
  • Nowcasting – IMF Institute
  • Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting (MPAFx) – IMF Institute
  • Econometrics of Panel Data [West African Monetary Agency]
  • Financial Development and Financial Inclusion [IMF Institute]
  • Introduction to Financial Stability Function [Bank of England / DFID sponsorship]
  • New Tools and Techniques for Policy Makers [Bank of England / DFID sponsorship]
  • Macro-econometric Forecasting [IMF Institute]
  • Financial Market Analysis [IMF Institute]
  • Debt Sustainability Analysis [MF Institute]
  • Macroeconomic Diagnostics [IMF Institute]
  • DSGE modelling for African Economies [AfDB Institute]
  • Financial Programming and Policies [IMF Institute]
  • Forests and Livelihoods in Developing Countries [Edex, University of British Columbia].


The doctoral research project focuses on assessing the livelihood dynamics and diversification in Goderich, Sierra Leone. This village has been a significant fishing center for many years, attracting fishermen, traders, and transporters from across the country and beyond. In recent times, due to population mobility and exposure to various livelihood assets, the community has diversified its livelihood activities. However, this expansion has also brought about associated risks, such as the unsustainable use of natural resources, including sand-mining, deforestation, and stone-quarrying. The study also investigates the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic to understand people's approaches to livelihood planning during unforeseen stresses and vulnerability.

The research uses a triangulation approach, combining mixed methods such as interviews with town heads and focus groups, participant observation processes, and a baseline survey administered to residents in different locations throughout Goderich. The study's primary objective is to contribute meaningfully to knowledge exploration while devising strategies to increase access to sustainable livelihood assets, thereby improving residents' sustained livelihoods in Goderich. Moreover, the research aims to unearth ways to mitigate long-term risks to people's livelihood exploration that could have implications for the environment. Ultimately, the study seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of livelihoods, using Goderich Village as a case study to explore livelihood diversification, associated risks, and potential strategies for sustainable livelihoods.

Other activities

Sustainable livelihood diversification research: The research area of sustainable livelihood diversification is of particular interest to me as I focus on assessing the livelihood diversification of residents in Goderich. Through my participation in the UN Encyclopedia SDG book project, I have contributed to sustainable development discussions. In the relevant book chapters, I have discussed various topical concepts such as collective bargaining, informal employment, nurturing career development, the importance of public service in achieving the SDGs, market failure, import substitution industrialization, the impact of COVID-19 on globalization, economics of innovation and technological transformation, and critical discourses on the sustainable livelihood framework.

Development of structural macroeconomic models: I am committed to ensuring the achievement of the Bank of Sierra Leone's (BSL) mandate of price and financial stability objectives, which aligns with the overarching focus of the ECOWAS single-currency ambition. To achieve this, I have developed a Forecasting and Policy Analysis System (FPAS) and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models.

Teaching and external review role: With nearly three decades of professional experience, I am actively engaged in providing external reviews for internationally referred journals. Some of the journals I have reviewed for include the African Development Review, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Education and Information Technologies Journal, and Journal of Economic Management. I also play an active role in teaching.

Continuous engagement in multi-disciplinary academic scholarship: My academic interests lie in critical Heterodox / Pluralist discourses on sustainable development in Africa and Sierra Leone, in particular. I am continuously engaged in multi-disciplinary academic scholarships aimed at advancing these discourses.


Economic referred journal papers

Interdisciplinary research papers

Encyclopedia book chapter entries

Book / edited book chapter entry

  • Jackson, E.A. (In Production). Handbook of Research Skills and Application: A Social Science Approach. Sierra Leone Writers Series (SLWS) Publication
  • Jackson, E.A. & Jackson, S.R. (In Press). Equity / Equality about the distribution of resources in the context of Sub-Saharan African Democracies.
  • Jackson, E.A. (In Production). Import Substitution Industrialization as Economic Philosophy Model for Africa. In, E.S. Essien & F.A. Aburmere, African Political & Economic Philosophy with Africa-capitalism: Concept for African Leadership. Lexington Books, USA
  • Jackson, E.A. (2018). Moodle Platform: A Case of Flexible Corporate Learning in the Financial Sector in Sierra Leone, In Mahmut Sincen, “Trends in E-learning”, IntechOpen.

Book review entry

Institutional working / discussion paper / bulletin

  • Jackson, E.A. (2023). The Effects of a Dominant Informal Sector on Monetary Policy Transmission: A Neoclassical Model Simulation. BSL Working Paper Series.
  • Jackson, E.A., Kamara, P., & Kamara, A. (Under Review). Determinants of Inflation in Sierra Leone. BSL Working Paper Series.
  • Jackson, E.A., Barrie, M.S., & Pessima, J. (Under Review). Exchange Rate Volatility: Implications for Inflation in Sierra Leone. BSL Working Paper Series.