Connecting Struggles. Place, Environment and Communities during Birmingham's bankruptcy

Arts building Lecture Room 6
Tuesday 11 June 2024 (13:00-18:00)

Campaigns over housing, public services, urban space, and the environment have been unfolding in the city, especially following Birmingham City Council’s bankruptcy.

In this workshop, campaigners and organizers from across Birmingham will share insights from lessons learned and strategies, as well as explore and discuss what connects their struggles.


13:00 - 13:15 Introductions

13:15 - 14:30 Environment - chaired by John Munro

  • Edgbaston Reservoir for all – Eva Bennett
  • Better Streets for Birmingham - Matt McDonald
  • CIVIC Square – Nettes Derbyshire
  • Retrofit Balsall Heath - Jo Hindley
  • Birmingham Climate Justice Coalition and Birmingham Friends of the Earth - Sanjive Mahandru

14:45 - 16:00 Communities and services - chaired by Laura Kudrna and Leslie Fesenmyer

  • Karis Neighbour Scheme – Harry Naylor
  • Birmingham Loves Libraries - Emma Lochery
  • Birmingham Settlement – Martin Holcombe
  • SEND Children campaign and BrumRise Up - Kate Taylor

16:15 - 17:30 Place - chaired by Fuad Musallam and Marco Di Nunzio

  • Druids Heath Neighbourhood Forum - Leanne Gregory
  • Save Smallbrook - Mary Keating
  • ACORN Birmingham - Paul Barnes
  • Birmingham Fair Housing Campaign - Musurut Dar
  • Ladywood Unite - Layla Al-Abhar


17:30 - 18:00 - Final considerations