Honorary staff

Professor Lynne Cameron

Honorary Professor
Institute for Conflict, Cooperation and Security

Professor Lynne Cameron is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Open University and ESRC Global Uncertainties Research Fellow. Her current project under this programme is ‘Living with Uncertainty: Metaphor and the dynamics of empathy”, which is constructing a new model of empathy in dialogue and interaction, using findings from empirical studies in UK, USA, and Brazil.

Sir Stephen Hillier

Sir Stephen Hillier

Honorary Professor

Sir Stephen Hillier has, since 1 August 2020, been the Chair of the Civil Aviation Authority, the UK’s independent aviation and space regulator, responsible for the safety, security and consumer interests of those who fly, and those affected on the ground below.  He is also Chair and Board member of a number of other organisations, including various charities.

Previously, he had a ...

Dr Geoffrey Pigman

Dr Geoffrey Pigman

Honorary Research Fellow in Government

Geoffrey Allen Pigman is a senior strategic advisor and thought leader in diplomacy and global political economy, focusing on diplomacy of international trade and international sport, with an extensive record of publications, teaching, training, and curriculum development.  He heads a US-based global strategy and policy consulting practice.  He is an associate researcher in Lausanne ...

+1 413 358 8600

Dr John Watson

Honorary Senior Lecturer
Dissertation supervisor

Dr John Watson is a lecturer and consultant in international development policy and projects within the Department of International Development.
