Blair's Britain: A Legacy Assessed

Muirhead Tower - Room 420
Monday 26 November 2018 (15:30-17:30)

Patrick Porter

What was Tony Blair's legacy to the UK and the world?

Even though Former Prime Minister Blair ended his premiership over a decade ago, he is still an eminent figure in public life and British politics. Major questions of policy- from military campaigns to financial crisis to Brexit - involve strong arguments about what his government did, and where it is all leading. The spectre of “Blairites” is part of the present struggle over the direction of the British Labour Party. Some of his leading adversaries, too, regard themselves as Blair's successors and imitators.

To assess Blair's legacy, Charlotte Galpin, Nick Wheeler and Patrick Porter will discuss major chapters of the "Blair era."

This event is public and free to attend.

Event programme:

3pm Welcome Remarks: Professor Patrick Porter

3:10 pm Dr Charlotte Galpin,  “Europe, Euroskepticism and the Blair Era”

3:30pm  Professor Nick Wheeler, “Saving Strangers: Blair and Liberal Intervention”

3:50pm  Professor Patrick Porter, “Blunder: Blair and Britain’s War in Iraq.”

4:10pm-5pm Questions and Discussion